Maybe.....Don IS cancer?
Maybe.....Don IS cancer?
Agreed. I wish Paris had said, let’s discuss those sexual harassment allegations, Dave.
I swear to god she stopped aging like 9 or 10 years ago. She def aged like a mortal for a while, but then just stopped. I want whatever plastic surgery she had at whatever age she had it. She looks gorgeous.
I was in Hawaii a few years back. I was a size 6 at the time. Feeling all sad I wasn’t a four. Hiding under a beach mumu.I was people watching and I really started to pay attention to the bodies around me.literally NO ONE looked “perfect”. Even the tall thin ones had butt dimples or stretch marks. People of all shapes…
Let me tell you about what life is like as a fat sexworker. My job involves sharing photos of myself as a strong, sexy, sexual woman, in varying degrees of undress. It involves me setting a figure - a not inexpensive one, either - on what I feel access to my body is worth.
This, for a myriad of reasons, makes some men…
I will never understand why people hate on other people's happiness. I guess that's why I'm not a troll.
I don’t watch Letterman because I think he’s creepy... But it felt like a mix between Letterman and Conan. Which is sad because Conan is my favorite, but he’s always making those dumb sounds (“awoooga” type stuff) and references to being stuck in his marriage. ugh cringe-inducing
The ladies who do these interviews shine their legs up with oil. I think this spoofs it. at 3:46, her leg LITERALLY sparkles and it made laugh until my stomach hurt.
I think because a) the guy who did the original haircut was more expert at it than all of the ones who were copying it and b) It’s pretty flattering for her face shape, especially when she was younger and still had a rounder face.
Jack was born prematurely and has some issues with his sight....that’s why he’s wearing glasses.
Or don’t go for over a week and then can’t stop going for a day or two. That’s my IBS. It’s lovely.
I had a month recently where I only took, like, three shits. IBS - be it temporary - would have been a welcome relief.
People who take their shoes off and pick dead skin off their feet need to be removed immediately.
Regarding the young woman with autism, the account I read blamed the difficulties on the absence of a warm meal. If you are the parent of an autistic child who needs a warm meal to remain calm and comforted, why in the world do you not bring one with you rather than hope to get the flight staff to provide one for you.…
A security researcher is prevented from boarding a United flight and questioned by the FBI for hours after tweeting about how easy it would be to hack the airline’s onboard system.
I think Erin agreed with me that the proposal was totally staged for vote getting on a post performance night vs. tomorrow night, which is a results show. I eye rolled right with you, Erin!
Why do parents love dancing with the stars so much? I call it “dancing with the B list” and my mom gets legitimately angry at me.
Erin Andrews reaction is 100% justified. Public proposals are fucking annoying. I don’t know you and whatever I was doing that wasn’t about you up until you dropped to one knee, I’d like to get back to that. I’m glad you found someone to spend your life with and continue the circle of life, but let’s move along.