You said “must’ve”! Not “must of” but “must’ve”!
You said “must’ve”! Not “must of” but “must’ve”!
Talking about her mother might be one option.
I know this is crazy but there was an incident with a suitemate in college. Long story short, she was bipolar, went off her meds and refused to take them again. She even tried to harm one of us. Every single one of us went to the administration informing them of her erratic behavior and requesting that she be removed…
Easy solution: do something emotionally naked.
I feel like there was some daughter half-truth happening there. Like, the daughter mentioned the project and feeling nervous, the mother freaked out, and the daughter, trying to agree with the mother to soothe her or simply deflect blame onto the teacher, claimed not to know it was happening until recently. If this…
Yeah, I’m pretty sure the “no one was ever informed of this final project or the nudity involved until last Thursday” refers only to the mother voicing the complaint.
This is a really weird power dynamic, and I have to agree that it is super inappropriate. That being said, the student is an adult. Asking mom for support and advice is fine, but she needs to make the complaint herself.
Sorry, a bitter rant from a broke grad student cannot be contained any longer.
He really is the worst. But, at the same time, you kinda feel like he’s the ONLY character who keeps it real and shows any sort of genuine emotion. He’s the Kanye West of their time.
i don’t give a rabid cuntfuck sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I’m all confused. He raped the AU PAIR.
oh good catch, I’d forgotten about the girls joking about their moms dying! The whole thing is so heartbreaking.
Remember when Sally had to go to her room mate’s mother’s funeral and sat in that same dorm room joking about her mother dying? Jeez show.
I’ve always cheered for Pete, in spite of his actions a lot, but he’s so much more genuine and real than Don ever was.
The part that got me with Sally was when she goes home, Betty pissed walks right by her and Sally takes the seat at the head of the table and talks to her brothers. Well holding in the terrible pain she feels and acting like everything is alright.
I never thought she’d make it to college
I read that scene as the first Dr. relented and did tell her what was wrong. Henry was was upset because of such a breach of ‘protocol.’ He wanted to sue him for ‘scaring’ her like that.
I loved that Betty’s letter was so true to her character. 90% “make sure I look good in my coffin”. But seriously, I loved how they worked the whole thing. It felt real to the feel of the series and never got sappy. I'm glad to see it end being true to what they created.