
“Kylie has always been so insecure about her lips, since she was a little girl,”

Well, you also have the fact that men aren’t automatically assumed to be doing something “for the kids.” I have a friend who splits his day between mornings at the office and working from home in the afternoon, something he explicitly does because he and his wife worked out a split schedule so they could balance

Just saw the headline, haven’t read the article yet, but I had to comment immediately - THIS IS THE TRUEST TRUTH I HAVE EVER READ. Lol I’ve worked in a major corporation for 8 years and dudes are MASTERS at this shit. To be fair, a lot of women are, too, but men are ridiculously talented at it. I’m jealous, really.

Men are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease in their 50s and 60s. Men are more likely to use a weapon instead of drugs to commit suicide, making their attempts more “successful”. Men work more hours because they are hired more often, and very few go on paternity leave. Women have difficulty re-entering

My boss does that all the time! She leaves early every damn day, and she never tells us ahead of time or bothers to explain herself She’s just like, “Well...bye!” She’s really shattering that glass ceiling.

We can chalk this up to a larger societal problem, which is how Americans work themselves to death and sacrifice everything to appear busy. This “cult of busy” rewards people for boasting about how tired they are and why. Downtime and vacations are a dirty word in corporate America and despite how busy we are, we

Pretty savvy on the part of mom-ager Kris to get Kylie to release that video. If we’re talking about “is Kylie high?” then 1) people aren’t talking about her lips and 2) they’re still talking about her.

I still haven’t quite gotten over the fact that he was married to the Goddess that is Dita and fucked it up. Talk about lifelong regrets...

He really is and I like a lot of his music, but then he can be such a try-hard. Like, we get it, you were super controversial for 10 minutes in the 90s. Granted, Madonna is totally doing the same thing. They’re both that kid on the playground who got attention for jumping off the jungle gym once, and then does it

Nah, she dated Vanilla Ice. She even put him in the Sex book. She also dated Mark McGrath from Sugar Ray, and Dennis Rodman.

I got stuck on Vanilla Ice. Which one dated Vanilla Ice, Manson or Madonna? Either way, that’s hilarious!

My mom told me she tried cocaine once by accident. I’m like, “Wait a second, Mom, how do you accidentally do coke? Did you think it was meth?”

I was about 12 when I’d decided I was going to be a Paleontologist (I’m not, btw, but that’s not the point.)

My mom is a transplanted Midwestern lady living in a small island town in south Texas. There are a lot of great stories I could tell about her (she was briefly Mormon because the only church within walking distance of her family’s farm was a Mormon temple and then she got a scholarship to BYU and, as she likes to tell

When I announced to my mother that my boyfriend and I were had found an apartment and were moving in together, she asked, “But did his mom say it was okay?” as if I’d asked permission for a play date.

My little sister came home one day sobbing and said “my friend hung himself.” My mom patted her on the shoulder and said, “hanged.”

i’ll drink to this! not everyone is cut out to shape the lives of other people.

Okay so thank you for this: this is the kind of thing that makes jezzie good. My mother is a clinical narcissist (not sure of the exact diagnosis name but basically her psychologist told me and then was just like okay peace out now). My whole life I’ve struggled with understanding why she would continually reject me

Thanks for this. It is so hard for people (like my husband) with toxic or otherwise unloving/unstable mothers (or fathers) because people always assume there’s something wrong with you or you’re not a nice person if you don’t speak to one of your parents. My poor husband’s mom is a monster. Like, for real. Growing up

I think the title is slightly misleading....there was also a female member called slymenstra hymen too! I’m pretty glad I got to see vulvatron in concert though, she was spraying blood and stuff out of her tits and decapitating people, it was pretty sweet :P