
Am i the only one that thinks Jennifer is boring?

Yeah, but calling someone out on their wedding bullshit is, like, the best friend’s job, not the photographer who’s being paid probably a lot of money to be there.

In my experience, super hot guys appreciate average looking women (me) more than average looking guys do. My theory? Super hot guys want to be appreciated for more than their looks, and want to be seen as deep and smart and substantial. So a smart woman with accomplishments strokes their ego more than a hot girl.

My father used to walk around the house in those things well into his 60s.

I have a real hate for that woman. My excuse is FUCK YOU.

Your body doesn’t make you sexy. You make your body sexy.

It isn’t. And it won’t. We’ve been accepting schlubby men in sitcoms and in some instances even holding them up as sex symbols for years. The wife is always hot. She’s expected to be hot.

Dad Bod expectations:

100% of dads wear these undies. it is known.

She’s tricky like that.

Gee, I wonder why people who work and live in heavily military communities often have an unfavorable opinion of the average servicemember, while people 500 miles from the nearest base whose closest relation to the military is their stepbrother’s nephew who did 18 months in the Coast Guard and got an other than

Not sure why people go out to eat if they can’t afford to tip.

Buuuut, if you can afford to pay $60 for a tab, you should give more than a quarter for a tip.

If you can’t afford to tip appropriately, you can’t afford to eat out.

I’ve seen the pay rates of the grunt ranks. I’m honestly surprised he could afford that much of a tip.

I remember Kurt and Courtney together very well. Kurt was never going to be a fifty year old rock star- desperately clinging to the last vestiges of his fame. He was always going to be a wounded misunderstood boy genius that died unfortunately one way or another and he was always going to have a wife/other who fit

But FYI, you can dislike Courtney Love without being sexist. She’s just a piece of work. I remember seeing an interview with her years ago where she went on and on about how much better of a musician she was than her husband. Even if that’s true, which, whatever, is not the point, who the fuck says that about their

...it kinda is though. Sorry, Felicia.

Oh my effing gawd did I get torn to pieces on a local news site for saying I thought kissing a stranger was creepy because you don’t know where those lips have been. A slew of far too many romance novel reading ladies felt the need to tell me how mean spirited and unromantic I am. A bit of a germaphobe perhaps, but

If some ‘ran’do kissed me out of the blue I would not think it was silly or spontaneous.