
This woman didn’t do this because she doesn’t believe in the movement or the protest, she did it out of fear for the safety of her kid. She is not a hero mom, just a scared one. All the parents are scared - almost every black kid has had that experience. The one where you are scolded by your parents because you chose

Same here.

This was my fav response to that.


Whelp, I’m off to the hairdresser to get the hot new ‘receding hairline’ do. Just need some baggy khakis and a golf shirt and the world will be my oyster!

Good ol’ boy culture.

... and the women directors getting a lot of attention aren’t even the most talented ones. (I’m talking to you, Angelina Jolie). It’s sad all around.

They’ve actually done studies about this. It’s not just in the film industry, it’s everything else too.

Patti LaBelle’s voice killed me, and brought me to life again.

STEP ONE: WASH YOUR HANDS. Seriously. You can give a woman BV if you don’t have some clean, anti-bac soap-washed hands. This has been your public health announcement.

I’m kinda bummed our thread about being invisible didn’t make the cut, because there’s another side to this coin as well. Particularly considering women included in this group (of women who have never experienced being checked out) includes women with disabilities, or women that have never conformed with gender roles,

This may sound horrible but when I was kid, I actually thought there was an underground railroad. Like a railroad...underground.

As someone who worked as a child care site supervisor who parted on fantastic terms and remain close with the families and the staff I worked with, I can tell you with 100% certainty that all of the people who work in child care do not love their job. Many of them barely tolerate it. The pay is crap. You are hounded

Actually the post says she hates working at a day care and quite frankly given the shit pay daycare workers get I don’t blame her. For all the bullshit, germs, snot, and other assorted unpleasantness involved in working in daycare centers they don’t seem to care much about paying people a living wage to deal with it.

When all the pop star glitz are gone, this woman retains that powerhouse voice of hers. I would love to hear a lot more from her.

I want to cry - but I can’t.

I laughed so hard when my sister phoned to tell me he died cause there wasn’t a neurosurgeon to save him.

In the ‘70s, we just tied the shirt.

Sorry, I’m not seeing it. You know what these look like? You know those catalogs you’ve never signed up for, but magically show up in your mailbox quarterly? Full of weird, hippy asymmetrical dresses that lace up and shit made of velvet with Mandarin collars? Like, Pyramid Collection shit? That’s what this looks like.

We were too poor/lazy to buy special plastic rings, so the scrunchy that wasn’t in my hair was on the edge of my t-shirt.