
I just realized this weekend that I am Peggy. Great at her job, and constantly saying the wrong things, alienating colleagues who are just this side of competent.

I found the Betty/Glenn and Don/Sally’s friend scenes really uncomfortable. Just no.

Maybe I mistook the whole Sally v Don conversation. I came away from it thinking that Don was essentially holding a mirror up to Sally and telling her if she hates her parents so much, she can be a better person than them.

I don’t trust that guy. We already saw his temper flare over practically nothing. SHE’S TOO GOOD FOR HIM. And he’s old as hell.

I would love a Sally spin-off. I’m actually quite sad that there are only three episodes left. I think we’re at a very interesting moment in Sally’s life. Don is a pig. And lol at the fact that they couldnt find a single kid to play Bobby for 7 years straight, because I’m sure they would’ve been able to develope his

Good close read. I wonder if, given the amount of sexual “ooz(ing)“ that her parents do (barf), Sally responds by playing down her sexuality. The only time we really saw her go for a more adult look was in the miniskirt and full makeup when the family with two boys was visiting during the moon landing.

Very good point. And she’s mimicked her mother (wasp-y affectations and all) as much as if not more than she has mimicked Don.

What about the confirmation that Joan was married twice before?!

Joan was being sarcastic when she said she would abandon her son. At least I took it that way.

I think Betty is a great character and not so much a repressed loon as a woman of her time, dealing with changing social mores that don’t match with what she was taught - and what she was taught made her miserable.

I’m with you. Also, I think Fallon’s brand of silly is more palatable to a wide audience. I’m not saying a prefer it. I understand why it is the popular prom king.

This sort of petty in-fighting is why a man will never be president.

I think the writer was going after Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon, since Kimmel is known for the pranks.

That writer isn’t wrong! Jimmy Fallon is a pre-packaged viral friendly television program with no real point, no edge, and the joke is “check out how silly this famous celebrity can be!”

The level of attraction I feel towards Mr. Curry could power small satellites.

Is breastfeeding more nourishing if it’s being photographed/Instagrammed or something?

Not a picture book. A copy of Great Expectations or something that would have to sit in storage until high school.



Brandyn, Maddyson, AbbyGail, AnnaBella, Issybella. Something with a silent q.