
This was a while ago. When I was pregnant I begged my doctor to give me one, if it looked like I was having problems. Literally everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Including him sticking the forceps into my son’s head. The cord was wrapped around my son’s neck for so long, his apgar scale was 1 and then 3.

Yeah this article is such crap. I have the same kind of acne so I totally sympathize... but this isn't well researched or documented at all. Over a period of like what, two months, she sporadically tried a handful of things for a week at a time and then determined that the miracle solution was a face wash that goes on


The dermatologist you saw perhaps wasn't as familiar with acne as they should be. Diet has not yet been proven to have significant effect on non-comedonal acne (like the type it looks like you were having) and also azelaic acid is best used as a long-term preventative in combination with a more effective primary

Beets! Eat, drink, marry beets. They cleared up my skin and made my hair longer, faster!

Your case is one where antibiotics were actually the medically necessary, normal treatment (though I don't think they'd have acted fast enough to avoid the hospital stay, and presumably you did get your antibiotics then). I think ser barkspawn meant that more towards the sort of people who demand antibiotics for shit

My skin has gone nutty since hitting my 30's. Hair's sprouting where I don't want them and monthly hormonal acne plus a surge of tiny ones on my forehead and chin. It's been a couple years of this now and I am so fed up. I'm having a break out right now. Thanks PMS. Does anyone have any tips for getting rid of those

If you're worried about functionality you could just wear pants. I have a hard time believing most women wear mini skirts so its easier to catch the bus.

She hangs out with this clown now.

Kim, slaving away on an Easter basket, surrounded by photos of herself.

Ginger Spice was the best spice. 7 year old me died a little when she left/destroyed the group.

“I was being two-timed for one of the lesser Spices?” she writes.

Those are thick legs??

Check it out, bro! I crushed 200 pull-ups, destroyed 50 kettlebell swings, performed 3 miracles, annihilated 40 box jumps, and was resurrected.

It’s the abs.

Jesus always struck me as the crossfit type.

YES. Those stupid, wiry gray hairs are the WORST. :( It seems like most people haven't had great success with henna, which I find disappointing.

I'll second the HELL NO. I'm a 31 year old attorney, and my hair is well below shoulder length. There are plenty of other female attorneys whose hair is even longer, and absolutely no one cares (and law is a notoriously conservative profession).