
Usually the "Kris Jenner" involves a heavy dose of megalomania.

all-American likability for Katy Perry

They've been split since '05. She remarried in '11.

There is literally nothing in this world worse than blurry instagram video of live musical performances.

If they weren't very uncomfortable, then why did we stop wearing them? They offer a very feminine shape, so why wouldn't we keep them!?!

Kris is not happy for obvious reasons, Bruce boobs are not about her, she can't cash in

""not trying to bash anybody, and I'm not trying to be controversial. I just want people to know the truth."

How can you not know Burt Jenner? The one who wears a shirt covered in images if Kim's crying face?

My uncle in law was a scientologist for a while. He ran out of cash for it.

It's actually a huge issue. They indoctrinate regular Joes and Janes, and then milk them for all they're worth.

Yes, I definitely get them on the phone with each other, "You hang up", "No, you hang up". While laying on 2 twin beds directly next to each other.

from the doc, it's said that the alien history isn't told until you reach a really high level. and even then, a lot of people buy into it. l. ron hubbard, who you'd think was having a laugh that people were buying into this insane cult and that insane history. he hired a guy to create a machine that would kill a

I'm 54 and don't have children. I made that choice long ago and consider myself fortunate that my husband of 26 years shares my desire to not have children. We're looking at retirement and are talking about where we will live. We're seriously considering foreign retirement.

"Because I would hate and resent them."

It's ironic how that works, because most of the people that have criticized my lack of interest in children seemed to have had them for selfish reasons: "What happens when you're old? Who'll take care of you?/Don't you want a mini-version of yourself?". My mother has even started hinting that she wanted grandchildren

I empathize strongly with the childless by choice, because I've been so badly treated for having an only. Among the comments I used to receive when our kid was younger:

Yeah, I'm selfish. Come at me.

That roller coaster fucks you harder and more uncomfortably than an adderral fueled freshman frat boy, the last time I was on that thing I couldn't turn my head for a fucking week.

PSA: if you get stuck in an elevator, don't attempt to leave until first responders have arrived. My friend's mom died when she tried to climb out of an elevator after being stuck in it for over an hour.

Kourtney is really testing my belief that she is The Greatest Kardashian. A few weeks ago she tweeted about her placenta pills running out (quackery), and now she's letting that wispy-mustachioed junior felon near Mason??