
I predict the tabloids will still have "Angie baby bump? Inside her miracle pregnancy" on their covers.

With a toddler at home and my own hereditary concerns predisposing me to breast cancer I can absolutely identify with looking at it from your children's point of view. The last thing I want is to be sick and or die during their childhood. My mother was diagnosed at 32 and died at 48, and I was worried about her from

I'm confused by Madonna, didnt she turn English or something. Why would the President want to meet with somebody who left and turned English. She should meet with Prince Andrew , Gordon Ramesy or one of those guys who stand still all day with those big hats on.

So she was joking but she was kind of serious, right? I mean she obviously didn't mean sweatpants are *literally* the leading cause of divorce but the general idea that women need to keep it sexy to keep their marriage alive is still there, right?

My husband can divorce me, but my sweatpants cannot. #sweatpantsareforever

Her? She gets to do whatever she wants with her life because she has all the free time in the world. Yup, it's her. I think we overestimate the value of love and parents.

The American Dream increasingly appears to be a myth of meritocracy.

To be fair, there never was an American dream for the majority of the country.

In all fairness I think Kardashian/Jenners age quicker than the rest of us- kinda like dog years vs. human years. My 17 year old can't remember to hang up her towel most of the time. And it would be a cold day in hell before I let her drop out of high school and date a 25 year old man. So I don't think we can really

Wow that paid endorsement for Casper mattress is going viral. I've been seeing ads for them everywhere. Now they're big time.

Is it the spiders clinging to her eyes?

Why does a 17 year old need her own house? Where is this child's mothe- - - oh. Yeah. Never mind. Run, Kylie. Run like the wind.

Why does this child need her own house? I don't understand rich people.

I'm 31, with a master's degree, my husband is finishing up his PhD, we have a child, and we live in a 2 bedroom apartment. The American dream is dead.

All bodies are good bodies!

Yasss! It really is just making the choice to participate according the rules or slowly but surely change the rules of play. Viola Davis isn't supposed to be "sexy" and John Cho isn't supposed to be a leading man, hell, even Adele isn't supposed the be one of the baddest bitches in the game...until they are. Slowly,

This was my late 90s aesthetic goal. I am, in fact, sporting sparkly blue eye makeup in my senior pic.

"[T]hey die and I don't." God, I love this woman.
