
Her tits are seriously wonderful, and that's without further clarifying for a 40 year old.

If Chelsea had gotten her tits done, she would have written a book to tell us all about it. Guaranteed.

Feminist Ryan Gosling disapproves.

It's not really about sweatpants, fellow ladyfriends. Some men actually like sweatpants. It's about letting ourselves go. That's the REAL cause of divorce... Because once we, as women, let ourselves go then we're not physically attractive for our men anymore, and that's the whole reason they love us!

Eva Mendes can take my sweatpants off my cold, dead body.

I was reading through some Ray Bradbury quotes the other day and ran into one where he said he was against cloning: "Why would you do that when you can go to bed with someone and make a baby?"

I don't understand why these people get married in the first place. Well, I do, it's because the male half assumes the female half will change her mind. I don't get why the women don't anticipate it.

I could parent. I think I would be a good parent with a happy child. Ideally with a partner.

No desire whatsoever to be pregnant. None.

It would help if we didn't make it insanely expensive to raise a child who might be economically independent in the future, but hey, fuck universal healthcare, amirite?

Oh but they will! They will no longer be the center of wifey's world and he may not get to stick his penis in her vagina as soon or often as he'd like!

hahaha what? You are supposed to feel the clock in your late 20s? Damn! I was barely an adult in my late 20s. I can't imagine hearing the damn clock back then.

And I should add that we saw our moms do it, but we also see other women do it every single day, and know intimately of their complaints.

I know a guy wrote in to dear abby once, complaining that his wife, after 5 years of marriage, still didn't want kids. I mean, sure, she told him before marriage that she didn't want kids, and he agreed. But he figured she'd change her mind once her biological clock kicked in, and he was resentful that that hadn't

Weird. Every guy I have dated wanted kids. I met most of my exes in school. Most of them were either Math or Econ majors or at least minors, one lawyer. Maybe that's where they are hiding, in the math and econ classes ;).

At one point, she asked if he would consider quitting his job to be a stay-at-home father given how much he wanted a baby. "That just wasn't the plan he had in mind," she said.

This is like my friend and her Husband. He'd gladly be a stay at home Dad. We always knew he wanted kids and she didn't. They've been married for 2 years and he's still bothering her. I never understood why they'd agree on marriage, when they couldn't agree on something huge like having children. I'm intrigued on

Related: Hitchcock got one over on censors with North by Northwest by having Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint embrace and fall — fully clothed — into the bed of their train compartment only to quickly cut to the train entering a tunnel and the then "The End" coming up.

Fact: The Lonely Goatherd is the best song from TSOM.

When Julie Andrews dies I'm going to lock myself in a sealed room and drown myself in my own tears. She is a treasure and I fucking love her.