
kris jenner is fucking scary

poor rob

Why does it take having a daughter to understand that women are people? Is it because the daughter shares 50% of your DNA, and you're that self-absorbed? Is it because they're literally dependent upon you?

I don't really want anyone to answer. It's just ... frustrating. If this is how society gets turned around,

I say good for Kathy, whom I like (who I like?) at least 90% of the time. She does insult people in her act, but she's not an "insult comic." Her style of humor has always been pretty self-deprecating, which (in addition to her history of being Worst Dressed) I don't think mixes well with the Fashion Police format.

Kathy Griffin was on an episode of the X-files, so she must be ok.

What kind of fucking idiot asshole feeds their dog a diet of white castle burgers and pizza? I didn't click any of the links or watch the video so maybe that's a joke. If it's not a joke and the previous owner actually did that they should never have pets (or children) again. I hate to be That Commenter, but that's

I don't know why more people aren't terrified of raccoons. They're big, they'll eat anything, and they have HANDS. Oh, and they carry a parasite deadly to humans. Fun creatures!

Don't forget "sexually agressive." I remember that phrase regarding Rosemary. Also, lobotomies were at that time considered cutting edge (heh) treatment, a kindness that would relieve the patient of their angst. Unfortunately this was only true a small percentage of the time, but the Kennedy's didn't know that then.

I can't fully judge the camp thing because the Beales were funny, odd and entertaining. But as with most camp, there's a dark and dismal edge there that a lot of people (like you and I) have a hard time with.

In all honestly, there's only a slim chance that Little Edie would have turned out successful, happy and emotionally healthy had her mother not insisted that she come home or sent Eugene Tyszkiewicz away.

The only people that are "shocked" that this is happening in 2015 are white people. The rest of us are like "eh, it's just another [insert day of the week]."

Amurrica. You don' like it, you leave.

I tutor a 12 year old girl, and last week she needed help writing an essay on racism, and her point of view was that racism is over and that African American people need to stop insisting it's still happening. I'll be showing her this.

I'm pretty sure the Knot's business plan is to become the ultimate proxy for The Awful Mother Who Gives So Much Advice. It is the standard-bearer for Traditional American Femininity, the kind that wears shoes that she finds unbearably painful, the one that invites a ton of people to the wedding that she doesn't like

On another food/diety note - this bullshit about brides not eating the morning of your wedding...but still having mimosas while having your hair done? WORST IDEA. I've seen brides full on pass out. And you're not going to gain weight by having breakfast. For the love of God, shove a croissant and a banana down your

Word. I am so sick of hearing "Men and boys have the right to be (insert any quality that is coded feminine here)." All qualities that are coded feminine also make you vulnerable to exploitation and abuse in this society. Every single one. There is a reason that preschool teachers and nursing assistants make

As someone who has cared for another with a chronic illness, it is NOT empowering. It is hard on everyone. You actually feel quite helpless when they are in pain and hurting.

Seriously, this is a men's rights issue in the sense that men should have the right to be prepared to care for and support the ones they love in a situation like this with all of the skills that requires. If boys are provided more encouragement to act as caretakers, to be empathetic and to handle their own emotions

Right!? My first thought is that these husbands aren't getting their oh-so-important (and uncontrollable *eye roll*) male sexual needs met so they reach out for extra "comfort" and support. When confronted, they throw a pity party for themselves saying they were only doing it so they could stay strong for "You,

While the study is drawn from data that doesn't specify whether it was the husband or wife who initiated the divorce in these cases, Karraker suggests that divorces coinciding with a wife's illness could actually be a matter of the ill wife wanting to cut the cord due to dissatisfaction with her husband's ability (or