"[The victims] were told that only those who get castrated will be able to meet God,"
But Texas is a bastion of free market, anti-government Libertarianism, it's really the patients' faults for being at that particular hospital in the first place. They should've taken their money and sick selves elsewhere.
They could have easily called the CDC and asked for help with training materials and procedures. At the very minimum they should have told staff that the "usual" isolation procedures used for patients with milder infections would not be sufficient. I am also SURE they did not provide sufficient PPE for the situation.
Do yourselves a favor and don't read the comments on the Dallas Morning News article. People are calling her all sorts of horrible things on the grounds that she should just be grateful to be alive and that it's her own fault for getting ebola (ebola!) - never mind that it was the hospital's incompetence that…
Does it matter? In either case the hospital is responsible, if its negligence lead her to contract Ebola in the first place.
The irony to that one is, didn't Boston actually have record-breaking snowfall?
Of all the comments this is the one that made me snicker. Like, I can only be bothered to put in the effort to hit one key.
Jenner's biggest accomplishment is that he somehow manages to be the biggest ass in that photo.
Why bother? The media loves them being terrible people. The media wants you to be a terrible person.
With all these Kardashian/Jenners running around, can't just one of them become a teacher, social worker, nurse, painter or anything that makes our country a better or more cultured place?
Men fully clothed. Women almost naked. Yawn.
Malarkey is a fabulous word, along with shenanigans, balderdash, and brouhaha. "Bullshit" is quick and easy, but there are so many other, interesting word choices out there!
I always thought it was ironic that a person with a purple mohawk and tattoos on the side of her head had a job judging other people's taste in fashion.
I am imagining JLaw's use of "malarkey" as an homage to Joe Biden's use during the Vice Presidential debates in 2012. That would make happy if it were true.
that was fucking poetic man
Unfortunately the Kardashians don't scurry under the refrigerator when someone shines a light on them. They just turn and pose indefinitely.
She probably also thinks that goddamned dress is White and Gold.
I grew up in a small town in the Midwest. And in that small town there was a small shopping mall. And in that small mall there was an Abercrombie. When I was around 12 this Abercrombie had somehow managed to find the one person in the entire area who wasnt just non-morbidly obese, but who miraculously also had some…