
so there is a god after all.

Rewarding Kim Kardashian followers on Instagram with a photo of her butt is more or less like one of those "Buy 10 bagels get the 11th bagel free" cards from my local deli, right?

"Scarlett Johansson says there's nothing creepy or inappropriate about John Travolta."

They're filming in Boston or so I've heard, which makes me wonder how much they really stood out from the local massholes screaming at each other. Must have been the lack of Dunkin ice coffees that pegged them as outsiders.

If there were video of the procedure I'd include that too!

Yeah, nothing like having the contents of your uterus announced to all your male rural Texan colleagues. That'll give you some extra anxiety at staff meetings.

Would a male principal who got a kidney stone & had gross (as in "great amount" not "icky") hematuria in front of everyone have the same thing happen to him?

Can you really do this to someone even if they ARE suffering from anxiety? What am I missing?

the district cites "severe anxiety" as the reason behind a series of female bleeding incidents.

What the absolute fuck. Always relevant:

I hate how everyone is all, her eyes look sad or whatever. She's just bad at candids. For example, I can take a bad ass selfie, but as soon as someone else turns the camera on me, my brain goes OPEN YOUR MOUTH REALLY WIDE, IT WILL LOOK GREAT.

aw. i miss happy fun britbrit.

I vow to make your mom sign a giant pre-nup drafted by my team of lawyers so that if your mother even looks at Jeff Gordon longingly, y'all ain't gonna get shit.

I have a truly abysmal relationship with my stepmother, who has made it very clear that my brother and I are not—and never have been (she married my dad when we were 7 and 11)—part of "her" family. It warms my fucking heart to see people approaching blending families and step-parenthood with this level of love,

I usually love stories like this but something about the slick editing makes my skin crawl. Like the entire thing was scripted to go viral. Puke.

In all seriousness, I saw something similar happening at a friend's wedding, and I thought it was so beautiful.

The Ron / Leslie moment in the National Park was my favorite of the episode, second only to the implied presidency with the secret service guys at Jerry/Garry's funeral.

The only thing I really hated was that April "gave in" to the pressure around her to have kids she didn't really seem to want...and then they reduced her future to just that, being a mother (and Andy's to being a father). Everyone else got cool career turn-outs and April, of all people, just gets to be a mom. Sad

Now playing

I've been struggling to find words to express what this show means to me and why. This was a show that knew itself (at least from season 2 onward) and knew it's characters. It was about friendship and hard work and doing the right thing and being nice to people. It was about respecting other people even when they