
She’s getting up to near-deity level. It’s a bit freaky. I’m trying to think of the last time a pop star was worshipped like this. Michael Jackson? Beyoncé?

I think Brit genuinely still loves to dance. But she is also dealing with the conflicted feelings over being forced to do it for public consumption for many years. That must be truly hard to wrap one’s brain around. 

I was also shocked to learn my friend’s Catholic aunt was cremated and scattered in the ocean.

My first marriage was in the Catholic Church. I got a legal divorce, but not an annulment. I was later remarried in a civil ceremony.

The most important lesson is that you only find your true self when you quit your high powered corporate job and start a very small niche business.

I never understood why people think of cops as altruistic heroes. Most of them just won’t shoot people merely because they don’t want to do the paperwork. Maybe they aren’t *always* outright evil, but they’re apathetic, lazy, and self-serving.

I think a lot of people hide their shitty souls behind fancy clothes.

It is hard to re-evaluate foundational things you learned as a child.”

I honestly used to like Russell. I found him to have a quick wit.

Oh wow. I get how huge that is. I am in a similar boat. My 65-year-old mom is a Catholic. Most people would say she’s a nice lady. She can be funny and smart. She tolerates queer people, but definitely not abortion.

It’s giving:

I can fathom that Jill doesn’t fully hate her parents. She is entitled to those emotions, no matter how weird we think it is.

Maybe I’m naive, but I thought DWTS contestants were only paid in “publicity” and maybe a small stipend for sequins.

He owns the name now.

Are my tastes that obscure?

I feel they’re the same people who bring their dogs to weddings and touch the buffet food with their bare hands.

Attending a musical theater performance?? Sounds like some elitist liberal bullshit to me Lauren. This is a slippery slope, before you know it she will be donating to PBS instead of megachurches and gun charities. Sad.

Those poor kids and wife. At first I expected better from Anna, but I understand how hard it must be to break free from a cult. 

“I do not think this, this being consensual sex with her husband on video, will put an end to her run. Why would it?”

Agreed. I am not surprised these folks default to favoring sons because they can contribute to the family economy. I suppose the boys are also being groomed to take on leadership roles in their whack ass church.