
So some of Elon Musk’s kids will be on the autism spectrum.

This is an excellent point that I never really put much thought into. It also favors those with connections who have a high literacy level and who are native English speakers. It really does seem antiquated and silly nowadays.

Also shocked (not shocked) that Chris Evans married a 26-year-old.

Sweet Jesus why don’t they just start using a triple negative so constituents will start voting their way by accident.

It sounds like some kind of generic butt kissing event.

We had a highly beloved math teacher accused of groping a freshman. I personally never liked the teacher, he was a bit blunt and I was a sensitive kid.

I have never attended yoga with blankets. 

It’s been my experience some of the best “friends” are also really good at being rapists.

VS is old fashioned and irrelevant. And their incorrect bra fitting method nearly ruined my life.

What the….Do you think they all had individual blankets or one giant one? Sounds cozy but also smelly.

Haaaaa. I know of real human men who have escaped to Florida to avoid paying child support in other states. Suffice it to say I don’t think Desantis has any intention of following through with this nonsense. ….Unless it’s to increase the for-profit prison census. I forgot to follow the money in my critical analysis of

They lack charisma, which surprises me.

Oh dang, I didn’t realize Sophie was that young. 

Lol that seems like an odd pair. Do you think Chalamet is teaching Kiley to speak French and Yeet yeet…

I think because the Roman Catholic Church will actually (very very rarely) sanction exorcisms. I have no idea about Protestant churches though.

We are all interested in this place.

I just got into an argument with my husband over which one of us would go crazy first, if we were wickies in Maine.

It’s called Abducted in Plain Sight. But beware, it has some infuriating moments.

I agree. I don’t doubt they loved each other very much. But the way she still talks about her husband like he was a saint is a bit creepy.