
Do you think most 80-year-olds like to stay up late and party though? Of course Jane Fonda probably has more stamina than most.

I just found out at age 41, I have hip dips and should be self conscious about them.

…. with love and adoration 

Yup. And I think the general public does not understand the abuse healthcare professionals are subject to. Humor is the only coping mechanism.

I think it’s getting there. 

For-profit hospital groups are some of the biggest opportunistic evil corporations I’ve ever met. The administrators have often never worked a single day in actual patient care.

I think it has been reported, but she herself has never confirmed the diagnosis.

So this is related to this topic, but it seems shit has hit the fan in the world of nursing. I haven’t worked bedside healthcare in a long time, and don’t think I could ever go back.

Exactly. I get that everyone has oversharitis now, and I genuinely enjoy learning about different occupations on social media. But everyone just takes it a step or five too far.

I was hoping Harper and Daphne would just run off together and leave those two different types of dickheads behind. Alas.

I feel like someone will yell at me for this, but isn’t she known for not taking her bipolar medications?

“The nurse also allegedly told the patient and her wife that if their baby died, she wouldn’t perform CPR on him because he was “too small;”

I thought that scene was perfect as well as the unloading of the long story to the captain who just said he didn’t speak any English.

I was also annoyed over the ambiguity over thedangerous gay Sicilian/English/French-mafia party throwers, who are really broke but have enough power to borrow yachts and palazzos.”

I truly thought it was going to be a wild card of Giuseppe or the beach club guy popping someone off.

Now playing

It’s Vincent Price for me. And when he played a Vice reporter on Documentary Now! And this.

It would take so much self restraint to date Bill Hader and not ask him to do hilarious characters 24/7.

I almost threw my coffee at the TV during Mother! If I wanted a frustrating depression-induced nightmare, I would just call my own mother for an hour and then take two melatonin.

Agreed. For the wrong reasons or not, there are just not a lot of skilled actors who fit the actual body type depicted.

I am always amazed how the GOP has radically convinced SO many Americans that refugees and immigrants “taking what’s yours” is the reason they cannot get ahead in life now.