
I bet he will be a motivational speaker for a crypto or manly man vitamin pyramid scheme and/or podcaster.

Imagine having such a sexist view of your very own sex that you think men are only meant to fight and be feared? I would be extra pissed off at this if I were a man.  

Agreed. I don’t think that was even the best romance on that show. It’s a tie between Leslie and waffles and Ron and meat.

This is crude of me? But for those who don’t get the appeal, Affleck is a handsome guy who loves performing oral sex. Maybe it makes more sense now.

They used to have very weird ads related to social issues meant to get people riled up. They probably seem almost tame now though.

Yes, I agree about the bystander effect coming into play. Also our current gross corporate culture makes people really extra terrified to be whistleblowers. There are so many examples of people who are harassed, fired, and all around abused for speaking up. It’s just not worth it to most people who need their job.

This is some Benneton shit.

It is indeed very common to freeze, especially when it’s a manager or someone with power over you. It often seems kind of surreal and you doubt yourself and your experience. Like “Is my boss really showing porn at work? No..I must be seeings things, that doesn’t fit the narrative here.”

I am going by what Keith Urban said on a podcast. 

I like how they call AC/DC Acca Dacca. 

I am fairly sure RNs have lost their licenses for merely posting dumb TikTok’s, but you can be an MD who pushes actual harmful anti-science views with absolutely zero professional repercussions whatsoever.

Thanks for the recommendation. I have random weekdays off work and enjoy going to a discount matinee. Usually I have the whole theater to myself and it’s glorious.

Agreed. I am puzzled why they didn’t do a 50s-crooner style song instead. At least we know he can sing.

The bigger the hat, the closer to heaven. 

The classic cars, large mirrors, and heavy handed symbolism *at least* deserve nominations for their performances.

I kinda get what you’re saying. This scumbag has been steadily making very popular music for years. Clearly many other folks besides just Kelly adore him. She *should* still be held accountable for praising a domestic abuser. But the whole system is really the problem.

Agreed. I have no doubt it will be a good movie, but I just don’t have it in me to watch that subject right now. Even Tar was a bit hard to watch. 

Kyleena stopped my periods and improved my entire life immensely. I never realized how awful my periods really were until they ceased.

My brain absolutely knew it, and I was a little freaked out how I doubted myself after these wackos piled on.