
It’s stress, too. For the first time in his life, he’s being held accountable for the crap he says and does.

Ask Paula Deen!

And rightly so. Trump didn’t cheat. The system is broken. Trump just took advantage beyter than all other players.

A blatant racist fascist xenophobe Russian agent is about to become POTUS and no one cares. Please electors, do the right thing and vote for Hillary!

In the wake of the Studio Khara lawsuit, Gainax issued an apology for causing concern and states it will focus on producing anime and returning to its glory days. Gainax also says it’s currently reorganizing. 

We really don’t. We’re a plague.

Look at the damn bubble they live in, only two-tenths of one percent black. And they just got a quick lesson that there’s a great big wide world outside their bubble. But of course they’re the victims.

I too voted for Hillary, but only idiots couldn’t tell nominating her wasn’t an extreme risk. people of all stripes Loathe her, yet the dems pitched her as the only option.

Have you seen how voluminous his trousers are? There’s gotta be an explanation for those incredibly large clownpants! Sure, his detractors may say “Oh, it’s because he has no style” or “He’s really fat and tight clothing makes him sweat profusely, which loosens his hair glue” or “It’s because he’s a literal clown and

Liars I can deal with. Bigoted psychotic egotists I have more of a problem with.

Infinite Jazz Hands... although it would be funny to have one uncooperative “hand” that’s flipping the bird to the universe.

No. I’m saying that we can sentence people to programs that aren’t prison. And if you want to send him to prison then you’re wanting to not see him rehabilitated.

I live in Atlanta. I go to Morehouse. I have to say that myself, along with my peers, have really enjoyed the show. Is it absolutely perfect? No. Yet, it sets out to invoke very real and honest conversations. I mean, I’m sure everyone remembers the scathing, if short, monologue Earn has in “Juneteenth” about using

“Hi Megyn, we’ve been work friends for years and I hate to ask you for a favor, but it would help me so so so much. Can you please back me up in public on this Roger stuff? Your words would go a long way for me and other victims.”

He definitely wants to get Katy alone in a room with a pocket full of Tic Tacs. I love her reporting on him, you can tell she thinks he’s a lying liar.

I have a gaming laptop from 2012 that ran the first game perfectly fine, but it hasn’t been able to keep up with the latest releases over the past year. I’m in the same boat - if I’m gonna play the game, it won’t be with the graphics turned down!