It triggered my laughter, that’s for sure.
It triggered my laughter, that’s for sure.
I love this picture so much. Eazy E putting up this pic in the Real Muthaphukin G’s video was one of my fondest high school memories
23 body sculpting tips that will have your dad drooling.
What's he gonna do with those baby hands?
Step 1: Get a Rimjob
Step 2: Get Money
Cliff Bleszinski and the team at Boss Key Productions are pulling out all the stop for Lawbreakers, a frantic first…
She’s the Brienne of Tarth of Overwatch: an honorable, fierce warrior who does it all effortlessly while saying “Fuck your gender norms.”
Sarah Palin want to leave the UN? Does she realize how much of an advantage the US gets from its de facto leadership? HAS SHE EVER PLAYED CIVILIZATION?
I sometimes wonder if it’s because the age barrier changed so much. As far as I can tell, a lot of trolls are kids who wouldn’t have been able to get an account in the 90's.
Why does that show still exist at all?
Ah, gaze upon the North American Neckbeard. You can tell this pile of excrement for the South American Neckbeard by the pasty white skin, stink of Axe body spray and the usual air of privilege.
This sounds fantastic on paper, but I can’t help but worry that it will treat the subject matter with the same kind of unrelatable distance as it did with child labor (or, incidentally, like most games do with Nazis).
Especially Rivens. I hear picking Riven gives you 200 bonus ping.
actually, by not censoring everyone’s summoner names you make it very easy for people to still find out varus’s username by looking up someone else who was in that game and finding the match history data for that particular match. I saw that this match was played 17 hours ago and I found out the two words in his name…
I tip my bartenders with kush nuggets. They seem to like it the best that way. No hustle.
“Hell is other people.” -Anyone who has ever been on Xbox Live.
The sketch is talking about guys who respond to anything period related like they have a case of the vapors.