
Aw congrats on being a new dad!

Men today: All women are bitches!

Architects write in all caps. I think we're closing in on a suspect.

Just legalize it already! Damn.

for as much as pc gamers like to make noise about choice and options, they sure do like to tie themselves to one platform and throw away options.

I’ve worked in state run mental facilities and in my years of service receiving individuals actively in crisis I was able to de-escalate 99% of issues with words including an individual wielding a knife with drug induced psychosis. It is a challenge on your patience and your ego but I never injured anyone when it came

Everyone does 70/30. Even consoles. Epic is breaking new ground with this rev split.

Mmm... spiced nigiri sushi.

SonicFox is single-handedly saving video games.

But like, if we’re not allowed to care about anything smaller than Yemen, you’d better be doing something to demonstrate that you’re helping starving kids in Yemen. Otherwise, it’s pretty clear that what you actually mean is “don’t care specifically about acts of oppression that don’t affect me.”

We definitely need more “mid-tier” games.

I missed the medium-budget segment of games. There used to be a ton of gems there

I’d be interested in hearing the perspective of transgender folks here, because I suspect that they may disagree that “it’s not a bigoted [position].” I’m not transgender, but I am Jewish. And if GOG had:

I’m sorry. I don’t read shit on kotaku very often. Is this the place where a bunch of white dudes don't understand cultural appropriation? 

I love how all these white nerds can’t figure out what “for the culture” means in this context, lmao.

You mean people in a cyberpunk setting might find other uses for body modification than implanting swords in their shins?


Oof. We’ve said for decades that we want games to be treated seriously as media, that they’re just as deserving of praise as movies, television, print, and other forms of art.

Well, this is part of that evolution.  Overdue.

I’ve got an election to stress out over, I do *NOT* need this upcoming comment section.

“The lawsuit also says Negron’s third supervisor had told her that “diversity should not be a focal point of the design of Riot Games’ products because gaming culture is the last remaining safe haven for white teen boys.””