
Or: “Stuff happens, especially when you don’t read comics for half a decade.”

What did you expect? That nothing would change in six years? That seems unbearably naive.

The endgame is it’s basically a fight to the death. Mainstream Democrats say we have to die (metaphorically, of course) because we split the base, are too radical, and will bring down the Democrats as a whole.

Speaking of Russia, today Trump finally responded to Putin kicking out US diplomats:


Also since the term was invented by the DNC to bring down Sanders.

I don’t think it’s cute that you don’t think that the world’s largest economy can’t provide universal healthcare, free or affordable college education or basic worker and consumer protection. Much of the developed world can accomplish all these things. Why can’t we? Rhetorical question, I really don’t care what you

I think your mistakes are that you assume that any of those things are brand new ideas or that they can be done without Republican support.

We need to stop hating on the Trump supporters and Republicans in general.

I don’t want to eviscerate you, but I do disagree with your premise because the people you describe are just one contingent of the GOP base. For many of them, hating liberals and liberalism is so integral to their self-identity, they wouldn’t give it up for anything.

I despise the term “bernie bro”. Maybe because it’s meant to disparage people like me. The corporate Democratic Party is a failure and their rejection of policies they deem to be “too socialist” will keep that failure going towards annihilation. The base of the Progressive coalition is a fair economic system that

He got what 4 or 5 kills while people were in houses? And the person he was talking to clearly said they were in houses. Thats abuse. He knew they had no chance. Its not like you can shoot through walls at the jeep. But he sure as hell can go through them. When a densely populated urban town is completely void of

I’ll give you the NES Classic (and probably SNES Classic too, but I want to wait until it’s actually released before I criticize them for screwing up the release), but Gamecube component cables? The Gamecube’s been dead for over a decade (ie 2 times longer than it was alive), we’re three consoles down the line.

I am curious, how much the price without the gold ...

Garfield was fantastic and so is Holland...I’ll never understand all the hate for the last two films.

You've never taken a selfie?

Juke yes, Cube no

Says the guy that doesn't realize the Kia Soul is made in South Korea, an entirely different country than where Kim Jong-un can be found.

I actually liked it. It was quirky, odd, and generally decent transportation. Were some of the design choices a bit ridiculous [e.g. that one bit of shag carpet that couldn't actually hold anything in place, or the trunk door that opened sideways making it impossible to access from a tight parallel-parking spot]? Yes.