
Crunchyroll has all of Hunter X Hunter for free, if your fine with adds.

There are tons of games on Nintendo Consoles that aren’t family friendly Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2, Conception 2, and tons more. You really have no clue how many niche Japanese games are on the 3DS at all. It seems you really know nothing about Nintendo at all. Splatoon and Arms also discredits your only Mario

I was in Pre-school when 9/11 happened. So yeah I have no memory of it or much of the time after it at all. It wasn’t till Middle School and High School that I really understood what 9/11 was.

I also thought Gundam when I saw their comment.

They didn’t mention that because it’s old news. Adult Swim announced that they were funding seasons 2 and 3 of FLCL back in March of 2016, AX just showed off the first footage from the new seasons. Also since Adult Swim funded it the series will air on the Toonami Block that Adult Swim has. This isn’t the only time

Here is a tweet from the official Monster Hunter Twitter account saying they haven’t​ announced any plans to localize the game. This means again the could still be working on bringing it west.

The trailer states it’s playable in 2D only. Also this is being developed by a third party company Nitendo is just the publisher, so the dev is responsible for no 3D.

No, they said they have nothing to announce for Switch currently, this means there is still a possibility of MHGen Ultimate happening. MH World is a big game, the next main series game, and Capcom of America wants that to have the attention for now. They could be bringing MHXX switch west and aren’t ready to say

Have you changed your mind now that they won?

No it’s The Pokemon Company and Bandai Namco behind Pokken getting and a port, and it’s Game Freak who chose to put US&UM on the 3DS, this decision matches with a pattern Game Freak has. Game Freak never releases a game for a console until it’s been out for about two years, even the first Pokemon games go along with

Nintendo doesn’t own Pokemon, The Pokemon Company does, and it is The Pokemon Company who produces the games, Nintendo just publishes the games. As for The Pokemon Company it is owned by Game Freak, Nintendo, and Creatures Inc, who all alongside The Pokemon Company handle the franchise. Nintendo only owns the likeness

No Game Freak and the Pokemon Company, not Nintendo, are the ones behind this.

Yes, each person can use one Joy-Con if you play without the gyro controls.

I’ve never had problems with the motion controls in any Nintendo game. I enjoyed Skyward Sword, I enjoyed Star Fox Zero, and I enjoyed Splatoon. To me all these game used them well. Plus Splatoon is made better with the motion controls, as aiming is slower with out it. From what I understand most Splatoon players keep

I mean you didn’t like XV, but I know tons of people who loved it, myself included. I also enjoyed the XIII trilogy. I think why they focus on the Japanese side more is because those games have larger audiences and sell more copies, than any Western developed game.

I’ve always liked the Japanese side of Square Enix better. I love Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts, and other franchises of theirs. Tons of other people do as well, FFXV has sold extremely well, more than any recent games from their Western studios. Hitman, Deus Ex, and Tomb Raider for as well received as

Not all Dove bottles are white Dove for Men is grey.

Same series, the name was just changed to Dragon Warrior outside of Japan as the name was already in use for other products in the west during the 80s. When the copyright opened up along with Square Soft and Enix merging to Square Enix they changed it over to the Japanese name of the franchise.

No, we can’t. I for one enjoyed both games. I played through Triforce Heroes solo and with friends and though it was great. I liked just as much as I like every Zelda game. FYI I have enjoyed every Zelda game I’ve played (which is all of them) including spin offs like Links Crossbow Training and both Hyrule Warriors.

Really people grow up. This is what made you all upset? Under the current President I can’t afford to get upset at trivial things like this, as what Trump is doing is far worse than being unable to stream a game. Which you won’t be able to do anyway if the FCC gets rid of Net Neutrality, which they are trying to do.