
I love Harrison. But his field of musical interest was far far narrower than McCartney’s and even Lennon’s.

I like Macca more than Phil whiny Collins. All of them are lightweights in comparison to Clapton, PLant, Jagger, Page. Now they are true arseholes.


He also made tons of money off of In the Air Tonight, which was about his first wife’s infidelity. Except it was a lie. She divorced him for his infidelities.

He’s not cool. He used his divorce from his first wife to fuel his career, giving out a totally false story that he divorce her because of her infidelity. The opposite was true — she divorced him for his infidelities.

Phil Collins probably has a book full of petty grievances.

Yeah, I’m not canonising McCartney either. But Phil Collins. Phil Collins. It’s the pot calling the much more successful and musically talented kettle a fuck.

Paul Lester (ex-Melody Maker journalist and editor) is on the record saying it happened at his magazine, and he says Collins did it to NME too. It’s not often you’ll get a journalist willing to say in person that something like this has happened, but it’s been written about a lot; these two weren’t the only

I was never particularly fond of the Beatles, but after reading the same shit about Collins that you came across, I’m on Paul’s side on this one, plus McCartney’s got a soft spot for animals, so there’s also that.

I saw Paul McCartney and Heather Mills in Whole Foods once. I winked at him. He said hello. He was wearing pajama bottoms and a t-shirt. Only one person in the store asked for an autograph, but he said no.

I met Sir Paul once. He was perfectly nice.

He informed one of his ex-wives that he was divorcing her by fax. This was pre-texting days. He was on tour and didn’t want to strain his voice. Guy’s an asshole.

sounds like one and all

Whereas Phil’s such a nice man. Oh wait, no he isn’t. He made millions from that shitty song about homelessness, refused to give any money to charity for it, and then threatened to leave the country if Labour got in because he feared paying more tax towards public services.