
Oh for goodness sake. Only an utter fanboy/girl would think Bowie — a man who obsessively controlled his own image —was “humble.” And No, Paul has never used the “Sir.” And yes, George and John could be jealous and bitchy, just like Paul could sometimes be. Bizarre that people feel the need to always canonize one and

Harrison made a lot of horrifically boring music. Like unforgivably boring. Why reduce McCartney to his worst work when George H produced more than his share of dull droning forgettable fare (as well as a lot of cheesy lyrics).

Nonsense Ram is brilliant. So is Band on the Run. And he’s made 8 or 10 other records that qualify as good to really good. Paul has written tons of great songs and tons of bad songs but it’s unfair to define him by his worst, and ludicrous to call him a “jingle writer.”

Paul has never done anything to merit being called “insufferable,” other than maybe make music you don’t like. He didn’t cheat on his wives or ignore his kids or cheat on his taxes (all of which Phil did). Phil is a bitter whiner who is petty enough to hold a grudge for 14 years (!) about a passing comment, and then

Paul has never done anything to merit being called “insufferable,” other than maybe make music you don’t like. He didn’t cheat on his wives or ignore his kids or cheat on his taxes (all of which Phil did). Phil is a jackass who is petty enough to hold a grudge for 14 years about a passing comment, and then use that

George wins the award for biggest jerk in the Beatles, after he slept with Ringo’s wife, leading to the collapse of their marriage. You have to be a pretty big asshole to sleep with your best friend’s wife.