
Two bits of trivia:

Ah! Cutting sarcasm! I am slain - i die!

Must have been a remedial college.

Ah, another one with no good answer, so he uses playground invective to blow off steam.

No valid response, eh?

You sound like you have no response, so you stoop to playground insult.

No corroborting vidence in view.

Well, yeah. I'm-so-cool-i-get-this-and-you-don't LOVES stuff that really isn't particularly nourishing or tasty (so to speak - i just thought of kale). That way they can run on and on, explaining why they are cooler than you.

Very few alleged "comedy" series are really funny - they're either lowest-common-denominator like "The Flintstones" or "Beverly Hillbillies" (just to pick two) or I'm-so-cool-i-get-this like "Seinfeld".

If i actually said "it's bad" (can't look back to my comment right now) i apologise - i meant to say it's vacant.

I think i might have chuckled once or twice at every bit of his stuff i've ever seen. I actually tried to watch the series and it was so … "There is no there there" … that i don't think i ever manged to sit through one full segment.

Hipsters (under other names) predate the Twentieth Century.

And you are so sweet.

Did you love "Seinfeld"?

As i said - big alleged joke.

Sigh. Did i hurt your little feelings?



Yes, they were.

There have been hipsters since at least the Fifties - the Beats were hipsters, another example of "This is so obscure and vapid it must be Significant."