
I wouldn't have "got it" either - Seinfeld was one big alleged joke where there was nothing to "get".

I was struck by a couple of things that really have no relationship to the subject of the article, but:

Of the books listed here, the only one i have even attempted is "Perdido Street Station", and i think i managed twenty or thirty pages. Can't remember what defeated me - i still have it somewhere; i might give it another try.

The second X-Files movie is much better than its reputation suggests


Nicely surreal video … though the creepy twitching did keep putting me in mind of a B-minus zombie film.

That's been the rule for years at most studios. Over-the-transom submissions go back unopened. You have to submit through an agent or an attorney to even get considered.

"To the Bone" - the UK version.

Yeah. That was why i remembered it the way i did, i think.

Ah. Thanks. I thought that sounded wrong when i thought of it.

Didn't wossname with the big glasses say something about that light sabre belonged to her grandfather and her father, or did i imagine that?

Who cares?

Uhhh - name a few.

You heard me.

Van Halen is ALMOST the most-over-rated band in history.

ANYthing from Van Halen is the very opposite of "essential" and always has been.

You mention Christopher Lee being a fan of The Last Unicorn - when he was providing the voice for King Haggard for the Rankin-Bass animated film thereof, he turned up in the studio with his own copy of the book with lost of pieces of paper marking things he wanted to make sure were included in the film.

Speaking ofd Johnny Cash: until your kids are a bit older - teens, maybe? - avoid "Let the Train Blow the Whistle" and "Down There by the Train" (written by Tom Waits and sounds like it) from his "American Recordings" album.

Fortunately, Amal wants to drive to Rhode Island for his little sister’s graduation, a stroke of luck so big it might sink a less well-written book.