
I figured you meant this movie, but i see not.

Heh. Makes it funnier that it's Michael Caine insisting on a double. (Ref: Sleuth)

An archer shot an arrow in front of Mifune, approximating the right
trajectory, and the movie cuts, midway through the arrow’s flight, to a
shot of Mifune already impaled by a fake arrow. Throw in the right sound
effect and the human brain readily connects the dots—even after knowing
how it’s done. (Going through it

"I don't want it good - I want it Thursday!"

Yeah, that's the problem with trying to do something actually good - you can't do "good", you gotta do "marketable".

Considering the books are much better than the Potter books…

Forty years ago, i gave my first wife a set of the Prydain books.

Yeah. With a big f*ckin' sword. Bakshi would screw up these books so badly … and then pee on the corpses.

Mentioned in Emma Bull's novel "War for the Oaks".

On Forty Second Street.

Because they don't sound the same. Listen carefully - the theremin produces a pure sine wave tone; the saw's tone is "dirty" and full of all sorts of harmonics.

I thought it might be the Hampton String Quartet, at first. A little disappointed.

Depends on who's peering and exactly what they're peering at.

"Cape Buffalo" just about covers it.

he did say "I don't think that…"

I agree that "predator" was not the word.

The fewer mental comparisons you make to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the better time you’ll likely have.

My god - it's got all of 17% on RottenTomatoes!

Joan Jett got banned from Wal*Mart's music department for the hidden track on the end of the cassette version of Album - a not uncommon practise in those days was to include extra tracks on the cassette versions of LPs with uneven side lengths to make the cassette side approximately equal.