
Forget where i saw this, but:

Mindless Van Halen fan is idiot.

Anyone who says Van Halen's version of "You Really Got Me" is better than the Kinks original has forfeited any right to make any comments about music, ever again.

Wach the Swedish films.

I think there may be recordings of the author singing them.

I truly recommend reading the book - there is so much more to it, and many of the moments you find so surreal are a little clearer - if still as absurdisticly surreal - are fleshed out so much more fully.

Removed the first part, and apologise for it.

Sorry. removing that part. It was not elegantly phrased - not meant to refer to people like your son.


People who refuse to read subtitles don't deserve to see movies/TV that actually requires thought.

Looks like i can safely wait for the DVD to not see it.

That sounds more like a xylophon or vibes than glockenspiel in the "Pitch Perfect" travk.

… the massively successful single “Brick” still topping many critics’ list of the best Christmastime abortion songs ever written.

Heh. First recorded music i bought for myself was probably the cast album from the original Off-Broadway production of "Threepenny Opera", sometime in the 60s.

One of the reasons for Return to Oz's lack of success was because the studio deliberately sabotaged it. This was at the beginning of the Eisner and Iger era, and the film had been produced by the old regime.

Actually, i'd say "Selfie" was more likely directly inspired by the GB Shaw play ("Pygmalion") that was also "My Fair Lady"'s inspiration.

"…and they all moved away from me on the Group W bench…"

That's for throwing, not eating.

It was a mediocre SF production with annoying characters, a dumb concept (actually dumber than the original) and poor production choices.

Despite that one of the producers is an old acquaintance, i couldn't watcg the new BSG.