
Yeah. Test audiences didn't like it. So they re-shot it.

Hehy. I gave my first wife a box set of the Taran books for our first Christmas together, and she plowed straight through them in a couple of days.

Heh. I never had a favourite band till i was in my mid-twenties, and then it was Fairport Convention and/or the Kinks.

Han Solo's blaster.

More of Nolan's shiny-surfaced empty calories.

According to reports at the time, the exploding head in Scanners contained an explosive charge.

Attorney Robert Ingersoll (a retired Ohio Public Defender and long-time writer on the presentation of the law in comics) points out a Big Legal Goof in that story:

I still have the Program Book from the 1966 World Science Convention - with autographs from Isaac Asimov, L. Sprague deCamp, Roger Zelazney, multi-Hugo-winning artist Kelly Freas, Forrest J Ackerman and a lot more i can't call to mind at the moment.

Grind shows had "grind men", not talkers. Also, grind shows were NOT ten-in-ones.

Just remembered Joe Celko's joke about the sadist who got his jollies by doing nothing at all to a masochist.

I saw some references that suggested that, but i wasn't sure - the ones i saw only connected Lansdale to it.

His Batman films turned me OFF - to the extent that i specifically have NOT watched the others.

Thought so. Was watching "Summer Wars" on DVD - had to stop about halfway through to pick up the granddaughters at school, and never had enough interest to go back.

What's "Red Romance"? Couldn't find a definitive answer online.

I forgot Bruce Timm. Miyazaki, for me, will always be the guy who totally messed up what should have been a slam dunk by completely missing the point of Diana Wynne Jones' Howl's Moving Castle.

Brad Bird. Butch Hancock. Jimmy Dale Gilmore. Commander Cody. Ray Davies. Fairport Convention (duh)

…the column in question was about how they told a would-be advisor for their "Captain Kangaroo" reboot that they knew better than he did what the show should be.

The "Batgirl" series reboot(s) were Big Mistakes.

Whatever interest i might have had in "Power Rangers" (not much, i was an adult and aware of better anime, etc) ended when someone - Harlan Ellison, i think - mentioned in an article or column that the producers had fired the entire USAian cast because they had demanded to be paid minimum scale.