
"No Man's Land (also known as "Willie McBride"), a song by Eric Bogle, meditating over the grave of a 19-year-old World War One soldier.

"23 years after its release"?


In an early episode of the original Star Trek, there were supposed to be salt shakers as an important plot point. The prop people went out and bought a bunch of "futuristic" looking salt shakers (this was LA in 1966, remember - god knows what you COULDN'T buy).

Joan Jett: "A Hundred Feet Away"

No - "Vacation: The I'm-Not-Watching-This-One-Either"

"Crime Story" was (in many ways) a sequel to "Thief" (including re-creating the Art Institute job in the pilot) - and featured the guy who actually DID the Art Institute job as both technical advisor and major character (wossname that played Pauly) - and a genuine Chicago ex-cop who had worked crimes like that at

Best episode ever was the one with Willie Nelson.

I just discovered that neither my wife or my stepdaughter have ever seen "Buckaroo Banzai"…

My granddaughters insist on watching hours of "Spongebob". At least it's not Barney - Spongebob has a nice helping of mean-spiritedness.

Oh, this is going to be a disaster.

I am a "native American" - i was born here.


I was forty-six in '94 - my generation had seem it all come and go.

The Roches did a guest shot as the Singing Roach Sisters on Tiny Toon Adventures, did a gag that riffed on their stage personas, and were introduced driving up the street in a wind-up VW van, singing "We".

just checked IMDB. Couldn't believe nobody had added that. Submitted it.

I noticed at the time that the end sequence of The Black Hole was lifted from the end sequence of Fantasia

The Nolan Batman films are mediocre at best, and at least half of the love for Heath Ledger's Joker is because of the great career move he made between filming and release.

A couple of things:

Considering that Jon Pertwee and Sylvester McCoy prior to their Dr Who times were known mainly as low-brow comics…