
Clara asks the Doctor where they are going, and he answers, “Into darkness.”

Doctor Who returns August 23, at which point fans can find out if that’s setting up a Doctor Who/Star Trek crossover, or whether it’s just the 12th Doctor’s really odd catchphrase.

The first time i played Monopoly - i must have been about seven - was in South Carolina in the mid-50s and that set had wooden tokens.

I have to sort of take issue with the way he dismisses Ther Terminator* - at the time it was fresh and "I'll be back" was a great setup.
* What a great typo - "He's not 'Arnie the Terminator', he's 'Arnie ther Terminator'. Don't you know the difference?"

The first six episodes were more-or-less dictated by the suits - it wasn't until after that that Whedon could really start telling the story that he wanted to.

Have you ever read "Pogo"?

I don't see any "art" - i see a lousy comic strip and a TV show based on it.

"Wee Pals" is "offensive" because it's the kind of "inclusive" trash that people like to produce (and point to) to show how unprejudiced and "understanding" they are.

I'm generally considered a far-left liberal by a lot of my friends (of course, some of them are top the right of Ronald Reagan), and i have found "The Boondocks" offensive (i also found "Wee Pals" offensive) because it is so aggressively proud of its spouting of left-wing cliches.

I stopped partway through Episode One. At least the occasional press coverage i'd read made it sound like they were pretending to still be basing it on the books.

Wow. The first season was lousy and abandoned any semblance of having the same tone or motivations as the books by halfway through Episode One.

Soap Opera.

Can you say "'Missed the point', boyz an' girlz? Sure. I knew ya could…"

His greatest role ever was Colin Beverley.

The approproptiate word in that context is "topography".

Two songs by Harry Nilsson: "1941" and "Daddy's Song". (BTW, Davy Jones' dance partner in the "HEAD" clip is the film's choreographer, Toni Basil)

Heh. I just came here to see this post from a "You have a reply" notification at the Funky comments page

I would have had to be able to watch more than two-and-a-half episodes of BSG to have any idea what you're talking about here.

Comic strip Funky Winkerbean has done it twice, for a total of about twenty-five years.

Wow. Someone else who sees that Adventure Time is an emperor with no clothes.