
Veronica Hamel played herself in an episode of "The Duck Factory", too.

A gang of us would hit a local Italian restaurant that had a fabulous Sunday brunch, hang out there for a few hour, and then head over to one of the gang's place to watch that week's HSB. Every week. For two seasons.

Belker's interactions with the big black shoplifter/thief with the aliases (first episode, Belker drags him in along with a pair of skis and poles, stis him down, snarls "Name?" and - absolutely straight-faced - he answers "Killy. Jean-Claude") were a great running gag.

Back about 1990, i got involved in a clinical study for an anti-depressant.

Didn't he also appear in a cameo as a cat burglar?

There was an onscreen cop killing early in Season One that cam completely out of left field and was never resolved, so far as i can remember.

Last thing IMDB lists is three episodes of "Lost".

Hmmm. How were TW3's ratings when NBC renewed it? (Dated myself there.)

The promos for the second season had real cops from around the country saying how good the show was.

Sounds like slightly manic Frank Zappa

Baron Zemo

Ohmighod am i old.

…and then we can all just ignore the unfortunate reboot.

I'd be willing to wager a small (very very small) amount that they filmed Han's death scene on thawing at the same tome, just in case.

There is a reason that people who think that what they say on Twitter is either important, relevant or even vaguely interesting are properly known as "Twits".

Back in the days of movie serials, the first thing filmed was often the lead actor's death, in a form that could be used at any point. Since serials were only filmed a week or two in advance, some actors had developed a habit of getting cranky and stroppy about episode six (of fourteen). The producers would take

My own favourites are two pieces of Sixties Brit cool: the opening to the B&W Steed/Peel Avengers (though that may have been added for USAian audiences): "Extraordinary crimes against persons or the state…"

Well, you have to remember that the English iconoclasts who did the most damage were not Reformation era but the Roundheads (Puritans) in the English Civil War.

"City of Death" as written by Lloyd Rose may or may not have been an "original novel" - but it is the title of one of the best stories from the Tom Baker era of "Dr Who", written by Douglas Adams and featuring a brief cameo appearance by John Cleese and Eleanore Bron.

There are people who collect glass telephone/telegraph/power pole insulators.