
He can't help it. He grew up in suburban Atlanta.


Actually, i wasn't married yet, i remembered after i posted that - that happened two months later.

Setting aside any sort of concerns of racism, the summary above sounds like a right dog's dinner.

A minor (but Significant) point - the famous French Cuisine is actually basically Italian, descended from the six (i think) chefs Catherine de' Medici brought with her so she'd have something edible to eat when she married Henry/

So did the NBC series.

As soon as the preview showing in 1977 finished, i turned to my wife and said "Well, he's just made the most expensive next-to-last serial chapter in the history of Hollywood."

I remember, back in 1977, wondering which of Mifune and Nakadi would have played Vader and which Obi-Wan…

Possible SPOILERS for a fifty-some-year-old film:

I never remember to watch TV - the only reason we have satellite is so my granddaughters can watch.

It's been like forty years since i saw it, and i really can't remember much.

One might consider that the cat is, in fact, played by Morris - and that this movie seems to have inspired the "Morris the Cat" commercials…

Might want to consider where Dementia 13 fits in that list, too.

…and Frozen (which comes out on DVD today) is still in the Top Ten.

There was an episode of the TV series Police Story in which a homicide detective (recently transferred from Narcotics), obsessed by the murder of his former partner, persuades a junkie he and the partner helped get straight to go back on the street as a snitch.

"It's all in Plato - all in Plato. Bless me - what do they teach them in these schools?"

Gone with the WInd.

Ohmighod - i listened to like fifteen seconds of that Bono version and i had to shut it off.

Yeah - a lot of people had impact on rock music world wide and were useless posers - because the majority of rock musicians are more-or-less worthless posers.