
Sounds like "Harrison Bergeron" to me.

Dude gonna be so far outside his comfort zone/competence it's gonna be funny.

Erecting a statue to a useless poser … happens altogether too frequently.

Paul Simon's "Kodachrome" - "When I think back on all the crap I learned…" Was replaced with the opening line from a later verse for the radio edit.

The Rolling Stones on Ed Sullivan - "Let's spend some time together".

Way back in the 70s, one of the networks (CBS, i think) ran Sergio Leone's Once Upon a Time in the West (my personal choice for the greatest Western ever), and they cut back on a lot of the (for the day) extreme violence.

Synopsis makes it sound like Heinlein's "By His Bootstraps" or "…all you zombies"

Once upon a time, NASA categorically stated that it would never man-rate solid boosters; they can't be throttled, can't be shut down.

Not so much the military as politics in general - handing out lucrative contracts to as many Congressional districts as possible.

But a capsule atop a rocket didn't offer the real advantages of the basic Shuttle design.

Nickelodeon stopped being worth even looking at sometime not too long after they ditched the mime with the nickel peep machine.

In a similar vein black comedy and reconsidering WW1, may i recommend to anyone who hasn't yet encountered it Oh What a Lovely War!?

Wow! Four Lou Reeds in a row!

"Herding cats", hands down.

I think she said she was bored.

If i was actually analysing the article, you'd be right. But what little i did read demonstrated that it partook of the qualities i listed.

If i thought that a mere thought could actually penetrate your head, i'd share a few more.

This unfunny, laboured, forced bit of "humour" is even less worthwhile than Bieber.

"Ensign Crusher, report to the after airlock"

"Wesley Crusher must die - painlessly if necessary"