
The mere existence of 24 is regrettable.

I've never really thought much of REM, going back to when they were the house band at the 40 Watt or one of those Athens clubs.

Yep. Shakespeare, i think.

By the mid-90s punk was largely a bunch of wanking poseurs doing it by the numbers.

I can wait longer than that.

Just remembered and moved the DVD to the top of my Netflix queue. Thanks for reminding me.

Of course it's gonna be a Broadway musical - it's already a book musical, anyway.

Oh, boy. More Bad Ideas for films for Hollywood to mess up and still clean up on due to the pre-sold audience

I'm not here much. This article sounded interesting.

Hmmm. Looks as if my last attempt to reply vanished.

It ran for seven seasons while this ran for what - one? - and it's British.

The initial description of the plot sounds amazingly like the (probably-far-superior) British series The Goodies, which ran for like seven seasons.


That Birthday Party song sounds amazingly like the Doors, but less coherent.

It wasn't as definitively an "it was all a dream" ending, as i recall - it's been years since last i watched it.

The only reasonably-accurate Oz film i can recall is Disney's Return to Oz … and that ran into a lot of "But it's not like the original!" and "Where are the songs?".

Read the end credits on PIXAR and Disney CGI films. See how many Asian names or companies appear.

Michael Caine in that film i shall not name because, old as it is, just naming it would be a spoiler someone might resent.

Dunno whether i prefer Davies or Moffatt as showrunner - but Moffatt has definitely consistently written the best stories - "The Empty Child" and "Blink" match or beat anything the original series ever gave us in behind-the-couch factor.

Being the maker of "Green Hornet" is NOT a recommendation for doing comic book movies.