One might also point out that, given what we've just learnt of her background, she may well have been bred/modified as a child for this sort of thing.
One might also point out that, given what we've just learnt of her background, she may well have been bred/modified as a child for this sort of thing.
The Jerky Boys album was incredibly stupid and unfunny, because it was taking a simple (minded) joke and beating it into the ground.
Denis Leary's debut may have been sporadically funny - never heard any of it.
I rather enjoyed "Super Mario Brothers".
I really wanted to like the film.
Nickelodeon lost whatever pretensions it had to being worth watching by the end of the 1980s.
Oh, how can i thank you enough for reminding me of that?
Edgar was a wimp. He just tried to lose the cats.
As to Tamora Pierce's series - i promise you that they're equally good reading for adult males - i was in my fifties when i discovered her.
The Ptolemys were a notoriously notoriously redheaded/blonde family.
Cleopatra was Greek…
Well, considering that in reality Cleopatra was a redhead (or possibly blonde)…
A main plot point of the original was that the Tomorrow People were incapable of violence. At all.
The new "Tomorrow People" sucks dead moose through a bendy straw.
If you can't see it that way by yourself, i can't explain it to you.
While Pawnee has the polluting Sweetums candy factory with its nougat runoff, those “rich, snobby jerks” in Eagleton have a cupcake factory that makes the entire town smell like vanilla.
It's just too damned weird-for-the-sake-of-weirdness-to-be-"cool" for me visually.
Will Harris copped one of my choices - "All Over the World". Wish i could get an MP3 of the movie version of that without Billy Connelly's VO.
I find it rather amusing that this article about how wonderful it is that the CW is giving us "The Tomorrow People" makes no mention of it being a remake of a cheesy (but lovable) British kid's series from the '70s…
I wasn't young, and at best it was sort of dumb but bearable.