
Erm, would this be a bad time to bring up Darwinism?....Just saying.

"Shallow bitch!"

What Giggity, commader_K and Butters619 said - ditto.

Erm........ because this is a tech Blog and Apple are the biggest tech company in the world, no?

I agree. I just get frustrated with the Android v Apple BS on this (and other) sites. Everyone goes on about this OS is winning and that phone is losing, this company is gaining share and that company is worried, the bottom line is that I don't believe that Apple need or necessary want to be dominant if it is at the

"while growing strongly, has less than 13% market share on PC's in the U.S. and around 5% worldwide. Apple runs the risk of repeating their PC history with their iOS products. "

Travis....do you happen to have a Nook Color running Android 4.0 ICS? I would not have known that.


"If it had just a slightly faster processor it would be great."

As always with these "debates", people simply cannot distinguish between hardware and OS. Android (Google) do not make a single phone or tablet and HTC / Samsung / Moto etc etc (insert a hundred companies here) do not make an OS. Apple as a single company, is competing against hundreds of companies and holding it's

"Everyone that has seen my Transformer and Transformer Prime wished that their iPad could do that. Yet they still use the iPad and buy a new iPad"

The sales figures beg to differ.....

My understanding is that Android is yet to overtake IOS? That aside, Lada sells more cars than Porsche, are they a better car ;o)

Written off by whom?


I see what you did thar.

Apple can afford their own production plants, they just don't want to. Many companies, including my own, have no interest in having the head ache that comes with mass production parts. it is way more cost and time effective to farm it out and concentrate on key components and what you do best.

I agree with Jesus on this. The US already has air superiority by the bucket load. Wars nowadays start with air superiority but end in Guerrilla warfare. Money needs to be spent on saving the foot soldiers lives or removing them from harms way completely. Keep this one on the drawing board and ready to manufacture if

Thats an interesting point. As Mac becomes more popular, by default, it has to please more people, the more you have to add to the software to please those people, the more that can go wrong. I hope you are wrong, but you can't argue with history. The only saving grace is that it is still a closed garden, just the

I am 100% sure that Apple put in a feature that doesn't work solely on your computers (the many Macs that you have tried) and thus have been sneaky and defaulted it to off in the vain hope that you would not try it out and realize that they are in fact a cluster fuck when it comes to your trackpads. I would go on to