see also: The Sound of Music: Live!
see also: The Sound of Music: Live!
If you didn't catch it live, I suggest you check out the Olympic Gala that took place today. All of the medalists and some of the other top-tier skaters (Yuilia, The French Ice Dance team) got to skate whatever they wanted without the pressure of competition. It was more like watching dancing, and I think you'll find…
Seriously. Now that is an amazing story. I hope she was given attention in prime time (I watched the live coverage), because she earned that medal. A graceful, inspiring skater.
My money is on Yuna Kim lighting the torch in 2018.
I let out a cry of joy when she landed the triple axel and was moved to tears by the end. I was so happy for her. It was gorgeous and memorable.
If they were going to go with overall credentials in selecting the athletes, then, yes, Wagner deserved to go. HOWEVER, going by overall credentials, Nagasu should have been chosen over Polina Edmunds. The inconsistency bothers me.
This is hard, because the one celebrity death that has make me cry was Alexander McQueen, and part of what drove me to tears was that it was a suicide. It is hard to predict a beloved celebrity dying that way, so it is hard for me to predict one that would make me cry.
Impossible to listen to that album too many times. It's so good.
I don't have a tv so I've had to watch by other means, which means I've wound up with Australian, British, or Canadian commentary and it is so much better.
my jaw literally dropped. she's amazing.
I'm guessing it is supposed to be "American Ballet Theatre", not "American Battle Theater".
For Me, Rose is Nine's most important companion, and Donna is Ten's. I don't really like Rose and Ten together.
aw crap don't bring up that scene; I'll cry again! (but yeah, definitely one of the greatest moments).
pssssst they are boys, not girls.
then it is a good thing that isn't what Elementary is.
I do hope you will check it out. I like both shows, but I find Elementary to be more satisfying, whereas the more I think about a given Sherlock episode, the more my feelings towards the show curdle.
I'm 27 and I have almost 0 familiarity with any of the parodied material. I've head the title The Thorn Birds before but had no idea what it was about until reading this article & the comments.
So you don't consider the made-up convent chapter of Mary's life to be a significant change?
I'm pretty sure the jokes are in reference to the ridiculously inaccurate clothing, but I think the clothes are more Free People or Anthropologie. But then I haven't paid attention to UO for awhile so maybe the clothes are better quality now.
A. Best episode of the season.