fair phantom

I for one hope they keep Sarah as Black Canary. I love comic Dinah Laurel Lance; I do not love show Dinah Laurel Lance. The actress playing Sarah has far more spark.

My issue with the superpowers is the show's budget. I want them to limit effects-reliant material like superpowered characters to what they can execute well given their resources.

Tomb Raider.

Grant Gustin's Barry is positively charming. I think the episode deserved a B+ at least.

Oh Ollie was definitely jealous, but I don't think that it was a motivating factor for confronting Barry (though jealousy is what probably made him so brusque). Maybe I'm giving too much credit, but I believe that - no matter how jealous he was - he wouldn't have checked up on Barry if he didn't suspect Barry of

I'd go with "copulation".

The Golden Notebook is one of my favourite novels. One of my heroes, certainly. I will always cherish her as a woman of insight, intellect, compassion, and unflinching honesty.