Right, but however they work, Bran said “Jon is really a Sand!” like it was some kind of revelation when everyone already knew that he wasn’t born in the North. That’s what was weird.
Right, but however they work, Bran said “Jon is really a Sand!” like it was some kind of revelation when everyone already knew that he wasn’t born in the North. That’s what was weird.
And, having though of this a bit more, we now know that Robert’s Rebellion and the current conflict are both built on lies. Doesn’t that show the importance of Jon’s decision to stand by honor and honesty?
Eh, she was never going to—particularly considering Cersei apparently had planned a whole “Euron peaces out but it’s actually to pick up the Golden Company” plan ahead of time.
Guys, it was Tyrion. Jon has done a lot of stupid stuff but he didn’t come up with that plan. He was just stupid enough to go along with it.
What I found odd is that Dany has been asking him to bend the knee since Hi, but all of a sudden, everyone in that group was surprised when he said yes? I mean...were they never expecting that? If Tyrion and Varys had an inkling that would be a dealbreaker with Cersei at some point, why didn’t they try to advise Dany…
The meeting got Jamie to find all give up of Cersei’s though. Jon fucked up, but they’ll know pretty soon that she has no intention of keeping her word, which is a lot better than expecting help and never getting it.
The point was to juxtapose both leaders moralities, Jon will be honest no matter if there were consequences and Cercei will lie her way to get power to her and her family. Both perspectives were played out really well in this episode, enjoyed it ^^
She wasn’t going to help either way. The bit with Jon was just a show on her part.
Whether Jon agreed to stay up North or not, Cersei’s calculation would have been the same: Northerners die first. Cersei never intended to keep her word, so Jon’s devotion to his honor was beside the point except for this: whoever survives is going to have to re-build Westeros politically and culturally. As corrupt as…
She was never going to do it regardless. Euron’s thing happened before all of that. Not Jon’s fault. She had no intention of ever helping.
I give it an F-
I just installed the Chrome extension that promised me I would never have to click “more comments” again. I just had to click “more comments.” :-(
This is the first big test since the changeover. It is...not going swimmingly.
I like Jon’s explanation of why he wouldn’t lie. Made sense to me.
Kinja is stupid. The end.