
Okay, so can we please just go ahead and conclude that “going off” on someone is not in the same category as forcibly kissing them, and need not be introduced as though it’s of even remotely the same class of (mis)behavior? I’m sorry, but revelations of sexual assault really do not need to be hijacked by accounts of

“consider the social cost of their actions”

including at GMG, the staff of which fears the newsroom may be cut by up to a third by the end of June, perhaps as part of a broader pivot toward video and branded content.

That would mean that people would not cross from Mexico when fleeing other countries. You do know that is what it means, don’t you? It would mean that Mexico would have to accept them. Fleeing as a refugee stops at the first country that does not commit atrocities. You don’t get to country shop with the Geneva

MILWAUKEE-Asked my cat: “God, did you hear about Peter King?”

WHL, are you sure? I wasn’t super paying attention, but I thought I heard someone (maybe my bio professor) say that Krebs was going to end up in ATP.

This is more sycophantic than awarding the Peace Prize “in expectation of future greatness?”

Ever-so-slightly harm? Like Aziz Ansari was slightly harmed? That you downplay the impact of mob-like public shaming is exactly why there is a #metoo backlash. Seems many of you take relish in destrying men for trifling acts. What skeletons are in your closet?

Just a heads up:

Do they provide any documentation to support the hypothesis that a diverse team is more productive than a homogeneous one? No, because this is a commentary and not research. If they want to frame social justice as enlightened self-interest they have to prove it. I think it would be a good idea as long as it didn’t

Probably because Obama did it gratis? Seems to me the DNC is welching on the contract especially given their very large gain from the deal. But what do I know? I’m just a guy who posts memes and doesn’t bitch about Hillary or other centrist Dems 24/7.

There is no scientific basis for your belief that skin pigment matters.

“It kinda just makes you sad for the people who aren’t there, especially when it doesn’t seem to be a priority for everyone.”

Do the unwritten rules apply to people who can’t read or write?

Forcada, the art historian who first sounded the alarm, noticed buildings that appear in some of the paintings didn’t actually exist in Terrus’ time.

I can still hear my breath. In. Out. In. Out. Yet still, the silence was deafening. And then he said the words every man, woman and child would never forget: “One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.” A human being had touched the surface of the moon. Well, two, if we’re counting me.

Or ABL made it possible for him to help his mother when she really needed help.

Kars4Kids is also basically a scam to get people to fund Ultra-Orthodox Jewiah efforts to get non-orthodox Jewish kids to be more religious.

What kind of idiot doesn’t call JG Wentworth?