
What am I missing here?

Have you worked a minimum wage food service job? This isn’t getting hired on at Lehman brothers, your local pizza joint or Chinese place doesn’t have an HR department or an onboarding process and the amount of time most drivers stick around probably isn’t enough to even run a comprehensive background check that would

>just because you happen to be okay with working for free doesn’t mean that everybody else who works at SB Nation shouldn’t be paid

Agree with this take. I also used to write for one of the more popular Team Sites (and I do not anymore) and I made maybe $300 during my tenure and I am completely fine with it. It was a hobby, it’s wasn’t my job, it was something I did on the side - and I bet about 95% of the writers, even those signing onto this

As a former SBN team blog editor, I really have to say that I continue to disagree with Deadspin’s take on this. For, oh, about 99% of SBN writers, it was nothing more than a hobby. Yes, I put a ton of time and energy into it, but if not for SBN, I’d have been doing it myself on a blogspot page for free - like I had

Dear Easily Offended Internet Warriors,

I’m glad they are changing it. These things are literally a danger to society. My sister brought one of these to a family get together and dropped it while walking in. It happened so fast that she ended up stepping right into it and now my mother’s back is broken. Who’s going to pay for her hospital bill? I called

Did you read the article?  It’s inmate on inmate violence that’s out of control.  Sure, criminal justice reform would be beneficial, and more oversight is a good idea.  But you’re talking like the guards are doing this or something.

Not really. The efforts to prevent the video from getting out are not driving the interest in the video. People were interested in the video long before these motions.

You wanted to believe him because you hate white people 

The virtue of victimhood. 

So many internet tough guys talking about beating up children...

Oh perhaps just grow and stop letting every little thing bother you. Keep in mind I don’t mean you should sit idly by if someone is making actual threats (in which case, report away), but if someone disagrees with you vehemently and perhaps even (gasp!) calls you a bad name, ignore them and block them. Pretty simple.

The most commonly reported statistic on the pay gap tell us that, on average, women earn about 80 cents to a man’s dollar

So...she broke the law and her defense was that she was too stupid to understand what she was doing? And she rejected a plea deal?

This case has brought new attention to several other deaths of people close to the Ferguson, MO and St. Louis protests over the deaths of Michael Brown and others killed by police.

I sympathize with the shit factory workers have to deal with but nothing is going to convince me that urinating next to the ham canning line is in any way excusable.

They want the FBI to investigate an alleged crime that is not within the jurisdiction of the FBI, and for which the statute of limitations would have run out 34 years ago, and which took place in an unknown place and time, with no contemporary evidence.

I’ll say what we are ALL thinking: She knows she would be committing perjury so OF COURSE she won’t actually testify.