
The good news is that nobody blew this ridiculously minor event way out of proportion.

where the organization’s inclination is to take the word of internal “witnesses” who would have obvious professional incentives for obscuring the truth over a first-person report from a journalist

So, to be clear, they’re still keeping Osuna - the guy who beat his girlfriend - on the roster, right?  

RB Leipzig, not Salzburg.

I think as a society we should agree to stop caring what athletes think about anything.

It’s still remarkable that the guy who got ejected for throwing a punch on the first play of the game wasn’t the one who should be most ashamed.

Dolphins are not fish and no I can’t get past that.

Eh, Lo Duca shouldn’t worry too much. If Joe West is calling you out, you’re probably safe.

Yes, a clear way to help save money-losing companies is to force them to pay employees more.

It’s really disappointing because they normally can’t stop themselves from throwing black men in jail.

It amazes me that someone can look at our criminal justice system, which imprisons men at insane rates, and dismisses the murder of any young black or Hispanic male as “gang-related” and unworthy of investigation, and think that the real problem is misogyny.

The good news is that we won’t have to worry about this much longer, as we were assured that letting China into the WTO would lead to democracy there. Any day now!

You can just say “Jewish”.

People overestimate the extent of Biden’s dementia because they seem to be unaware that he has always been a bumbling buffoon who embarrassed himself most of the time he opened his mouth.

If you google “Cleveland bearded guy” his site is the first plausible result so they just went with it.

Imagine the condition he’ll be in 16 months from now, having spent most of that time relentlessly campaigning. Because that’s when his term would *start*.

Biden mixed up several things he was actually present for; he didn’t just make shit up.

I’m no expert but it seems like they should have saved some of the good teams for groups G and H.

Sorry, but I just can’t believe that a catcher could become as good a reliever as Kenley Jansen.

Brown was willing to keep this up in defiance of logic and reason, and in the face of his team’s open disgust at his petulance, but not at the risk of missing a trip to Winnipeg.