
Well, we could’ve elected the equally blue-collar working class female from middle America with no links to the economic elite. Oh...

What’s the income cutoff to be in the top 1 percent? I recently changed jobs and now make much more money than I used to and I need to know if I should be outraged at this or if other people just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

That’s like me going in there and saying, ‘Hey, you did something on your paperwork wrong.’

what really matters is that Draymond Green believes in what he is saying. I mean if he really believes that he has no control over his legs then isn’t that what’s important? Who are we to tell him that what he feels in his gut is wrong? And even if he doesn’t actually believe what he says he believes, who are we to

Whatever you need to tell yourself, man.

Copy: “Belgian white, milk, and dark chocolate mice are tempered until smooth and creamy and neatly arranged in a tin, ready for giving.”

I’m old. What makes this a “meme” and not an “ad”?

Anyway, if I’m putting any antlers on the table, they’re gonna be real. None of these poseur antlers for me. I’m taking down Bambi’s mom and then making her head the centerpiece of my turkey dinner.

And I just don’t understand that part of it, the word.

“It had to hurt when they lost LeBron,” Jackson said. “That was definitely a slap in the face. But there were a lot of little things that came out of that. When LeBron was playing with the Heat, they went to Cleveland, and he wanted to spend the night. They don’t do overnights. Teams just don’t. So now [coach Erik]

You’re fucked. Harden up and deal with it.....Did that help?

They ARE living the good life. They scam and go to college for FREE, go abroad for FREE, get into exclusive recruiting events, etc. I’m still paying off my loans and couldn’t go abroad because I couldn’t afford it. Fuck them, they’re parasites. And to top it off, how do they repay the US? By displaying thanks and

They probably go home, I guess. I mean, it’s not like other countries are that bad. Unless you’re insinuating that Mexico is a third world country, in which case, what the fuck.

Yes, those pesky amendments. Don’t worry, they’ll be eviscerated soon enough. Hope you enjoy it!

I read that he actually travelled to open a Comet Ping Pong Pizza in Cambodia.

Remember when Democrats mocked the idea the election could be rigged?

Rivera was going to send an email to Adam Schefter announcing the punishment, but he couldn’t find his laptop.


Oh, yes. Heaven forbid that Penn State should ever be allowed to move on from its shameful past. We must grind their noses into the dirt. They must suffer interminably. Bad, bad Penn State. The people who played tonight must take no pride in their accomplishment, because ooriginal sin and all that.

When did the sexually uptight televangelist busy-bodies of the 80's & 90's (Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson etc.) morph into the liberals of the present?