
Sure, nobody said anything about this during his eight years as VP, but that was a totally different era. Many of these alleged incidents happened in front of just a few hundred people and were only televised on C-SPAN, so it’s hardly surprising they’re only coming to the fore now.

Look, everyone wants to be like Germany, but do we really have the pure strength of will?

This is also widely believed to be how Man U players got through the Mourinho era.

How there are still white “cishet” men in the Democratic Party is beyond me.

It’s pretty wild how beneficial this can be. And I don’t think it was an accepted practice until pretty recently, probably because doctors wouldn’t generally suggest “what if we tried the POWER OF LOVE?” and expect it to actually work.

Hot take: this is a much weaker field than usual and probably half a dozen of last year’s entrants would have won easily.

It’s time to accept that Canadians are just not going to buy into this hockey thing.

Seems legit.

If we can’t deport people who come here illegally then we don’t have a country anymore. This is such an obvious, existential issue that the debate is mind-boggling.

I can’t imagine he wasn’t fucking other women while they were married, or that she didn’t know, but she stayed with him.

If they are “virtually” guaranteeing money, why not literally guarantee it if it’s a sticking point that is preventing them from re-signing a key player? It doesn’t seem like there’s any salary cap benefit.

It’s not fair to assume she faced lower standards because of the money he donated. It could just be because she’s black.

Ruben Boumtje-Boumtje

It’s silly and kind of embarrassing to think this means anything or that anything is going to change. Obama didn’t go in ‘07 and even Hillary didn’t go in ‘15.

Eh, sounds more like an obnoxious guy with a shitty sense of humor. 

Going to class, hanging out in the library, not getting laid once; definitely seems like a D-1 basketball player’s day.

All Justin Verrier Did Was Criticize Anthony Davis 

It’s “entirely” on Trump because, four years after Obama gave SA the thumbs up, people have decided they would rather not support them anymore?

I think Trump might have a shot at winning 40 states against this guy.