
Hopefully we’ll continue to progress to the point where women can commit all manner of violence against men in their sleep without even having to claim they were abused. 

Having a woman criticized for being violent and abusive just brings us one step closer to true equality. Maybe someone can come up with a sexual assault allegation against her, but that may be too much to ask for.

Hmm, yes, tell us more about this small minority and their outsized influence.

They even threw universal healthcare in there just to make sure it doesn’t pass.

It’s a yearbook photo from 35 years ago. It’s not a serious issue. It’s a yearbook photo.

The insane thing is that offensive humor really is considered to be on the same level as rape and murder at this point.

The weird thing is the presumption that people *should* trust the media. The suggestion that people don’t trust them because they’ve been doing a shitty job doesn’t seem to be something they’re willing to entertain.

Clearly if everyone thinks you’re horribly biased and terrible at your job, the solution is to pay a lot of money for Tom Hanks to tell them that they’re wrong.

Why would they want to draw attention away from the abortion bill? The most widely-circulated media related to Virginia politics before the photo was the video of Kathy Tran saying that her bill would permit abortion for a woman who was *in labor*.

The problem with ignoring the accusation that she was lying is that she actually was lying. She thought this DNA stunt would somehow resolve the issue, which I guess it’s completely obfuscated the real problem (her decades of falsely claiming to be Cherokee).

She had a family story about having some Native ancestry and, apparently on that basis, publicly identified herself as Cherokee for years. It was always a lie, and she has still not apologized for it.

The real issue is that she lied for decades about being Cherokee so that she could benefit from affirmative action. This is what Trump and others hammered her over. The test and the video were just her staggeringly bad response to that.

So his numerous girlfriends and the women he lured into his car all had defective radar or what?

Do you really want to know the answer?

She doesn’t have a PhD in economics, or anything else. She has a JD from Rutgers. Harvard hired her because she lied about being Cherokee.

Duke Lacrosse, but instead of rape it’s smirking.

White privilege is getting death threats because you smirked at a guy who confronted you and beat a drum in your face.

Designer: What is your vision for this office space?

The important thing to remember is that Omar is a black, Muslim, female Democrat and so could not be further beyond reproach no matter what nonsense she says.

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