
Ugh, I gotta see more movies before they fold.  I never go during peak hours anyway because it’s a pain to get tickets since you can’t book online.  But I’m worried they will go bankrupt before I get my moneys worth

I like her shirt

Wow that is some bullshit and must have been horrible for you and your son.  

No. My partners have had more opacity and viscosity than the Cetaphil I use at least.

What tastes like cum: mushrooms 

I’m so sorry.  I’m at odds with my family, too.  It’s easier for me to either cut out or tolerate acquaintances.  But seeing the people who raised me, who show me such love and compassion, spew these hateful ideals.. it’s so hard to reconcile.

In my dreams, I’m an old ass woman (for esports at least) playing in one of these leagues making bank on sponsorships. In reality, I’m a low gold player who can’t even commit to regular twitch times~

Does this mean we can stop with the “Poor Melania” narrative?  She’s just as complicit as the rest

I bet Jimmy Fallon voted for Trump.

I think the point is supposed to be that these people are stuck in their lives and don’t make time for the fancy shit, so he’s helping them get a small win that will help translate into more down the road.

The republican mindset necessitates a lack of empathy and a fear of the other. It’s been studied. By and large they don’t have an ounce of decency in their bodies, and they’re fine with it.

He lost the battle of his wall, so he’s going to win the war by using innocent children as collateral in his “zero tolerance” enforcement. It’s disgusting

Wow this is little rue?? I can’t believe how thoughtful her words are at such a young age. She is only 19

Isn’t it illegal for the president to endorse or disparage private citizens?

“What do you call someone who got Ds in med school?” “Doctor”


Nah, women would be as bad men. Power is the problem.

I dislike kids too and I can’t stop thinking about it. These camps are psychological fucking with them at the least, and creating a radicalized group of people who will want nothing more than to make the US pay at worst. You think the older kids in there are sitting there thinking about what bad people their parents

Fuck you and your abusive “you made me do this” language. What, the Democrats who don’t control any branch of the government are responsible for this? Then if you think it’s so horrible then YOU stop it you motherfucker. Most of what he’s done so far can be slotted in the hateful column. This slides into pure evil.

How would we know it’s a woman if we aren’t shaming her for exposing herself and forcing her to cover up?