
My dad saw Tangerine Dream back in the 70s.

Another example of someone actually doing this well:

The AIDS joke got lost in there.

The Man With The Twisted Lip! Moriarty! Alaska!

Having been in Venture Bros, BoJack Horseman and now Westworld this year, I can't help but think Jeffrey Wright has utterly impeccable taste.

I wrote my thesis on Bernard Manning being the missing link.

I've seen those cave paintings of when man first discovered "your mom" jokes.

Brian Eno's Another Green World taught me how to stomach the mere presence of Phil Collins.

I recommend only using, it's twice as secure.

This will probably competing with the Sinister Six movie that's in the pipeline, either that or the Aunt May one.

Well, I for one, wasn't even prepared mentally.

As someone who has honestly never had a hangover, that was exactly how I imagine having one feels (apart from it lasted all day).

I just took a look, and apparently they changed the law (I'm not sure when), but like I say that doesn't seem to actually be enforced as far as I can tell.

I actually don't think you are meant to drink alcohol on the U-Bahn or S-Bahn here in Berlin, but that's never stopped anybody (nor have I seen anybody punished for doing so).

Great to see a young Eddie Redmayne in the 8th image from the end.

I take it you read Lennon's (or was it Le Truglio?) description of his experience on set? I wanted to watch it based on that alone.

I enjoy most of Marvel's films, but keep forgetting that I haven't even seen the first Iron Man.

I'm not sure if that's a direct Peep Show quote, but reading it in Mark's voice fit perfectly either way.

Er, not all Wolfmen?

Not all monsters.