
The excellent Séance on a Wet Afternoon is one notable exception.

What Lies Beneath 2: What Lies Beneather

I feel bad even admitting this on an Internet comments thread, but Spotify's algorithms that generate the customised Discover Weekly and Release Radar playlists now seem to know me better than I know myself.

I haven't used that one, but Veganomicon and Appetite for Reduction are both great cookbooks that seem to appeal to non-vegans (I'm vegetarian myself).

Somebody asked me for my favourite feel-good films the other day, and it could be populated entirely by Powell & Pressburger films.

Elijah Would?

Is this a 13 Reasons Why spin-off?

I came here to see if I could complain about the lack of The Slits on this list.

Is Jayma Mays playing her character from Trial & Error? Because I'd be fine with that.

There Is A Shite That Never Knows Owt

It really burrows its way into your mind.

Correct. It's interesting to hear that I wasn't the only to have such a response.

The only time I've ever physically passed out, was whilst reading Murikami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronical at 6am in the morning on a bus whilst on my way to work.

I'm just looking forward to the episode guest animated by Yuri Norstein.

I'm secretly working on getting every other Titmouse production cancelled, so they can focus on making more Venture Bros. Sorry about that.

After I watched Memento with my parents, my mother turned to me and said "that made me want to kill myself."

Great to hear Electrelane at the very end of the episode as well.

She's honestly the main reason (of admittedly many) that I miss Wander Over Yonder.

People were not meant to hear music with such clarity! People need to hear snaps and pops and that shit.

I wasn't actually aware of he'd recorded this album until this morning when Ravens came up on my Spotify Discover Weekly, and found myself literally in tears before the song was over.