
I've never bought a pumpkin beer, but made my own a couple of times and it was delicious.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend the episode of How Did This Get Made she was on about Punisher: War Zone. Very entertaining and insightful.

It's rather worrying that Mads was originally cast in that exact role, but sensibly dropped out in favour of playing Hannibal.

The truth remains in the url.

I think my viewpoint of popcorn fare is slightly skewered, as I generally don't watch a great deal any more (I saw Suicide Squad as part of a sneak preview with no knowledge of what the film was going to be).

I just found it incredibly boring, certainly much more than popcorn fare really should be.

If he was indeed based on Richard Branson, they much more explicitly parodied him a few years later with Arthur Fortune (much less enjoyably).

The only way this could be worse is if James Corden is playing the genie.

MIB2 was my first experience of being disappointed with a film.

Although not possible for many people, I’d also add cycling to work. It obviously depends on how pleasant your journey is, but it’s something worth taking advantage of if you are able to.

It's a shame that many people seem to write it off as a show only about privileged white people as well.

It's crazy that the "more recent episode" is almost 14 years old itself.

I think Fred: the Movie is this era's Fred: the Movie.

This was a massive part of my childhood.

Thanks For Nothing, Internet!

I guess they're probably not the kind of band to make a big announcement about being on hiatus or breaking-up. Fingers cross it's the former.

Are Mountain Man still together? Saw them playing in a church a few years ago and it was a great experience.

Side Effects was already a very effective remake of this story.

I can't stop listening to Intern.